turtle33 Member 578 Member For: 20y 11d Gender: Male Location: brisbane Posted 18/06/07 08:40 PM Share Posted 18/06/07 08:40 PM so you think its ok to slow down to 50-60k's on a congested 100-100 kph highway just to piss ONE person off? FFS how many people do YOU piss off by doing this? An old saying for you. 2 wrongs dont make a right. For the record, I dont like tailgaters at all but brake checking or slowing down is gunna either piss many people off or be way more dangerous than tailgating for a small period of time. Nothings better than escalating the situation to flash point hey, that will teach em. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
01txr Member 861 Member For: 18y 1m 20d Gender: Male Location: QLD Posted 18/06/07 10:05 PM Share Posted 18/06/07 10:05 PM Best technique is when these people sit in the right lane wasteing everyone's time holding them up.You do a big launch at them and most times they get the hint, if that fails and you get the chance to pass left of them you do it so it looks like your going to ram them and turn left at the last minute.Then once passed and they still havn't got the message slam on your brakes and signal them to get the Fu*k out of the right lane.Who do these people think they are to waste your time.Bring in capitol punishment for these Fu*kwits who hold up traffic driving in the right hand lane, & torture the ones that do less than 10k's under the speed limit on two lane carriage ways.If you are sitting in the right lane doing say 105 in a 100 zone does not mean you have the right to hold up someone who is in a hurry.If a semi trailer is able to do 100 in a 100 zone a say XR6 T should there for be safe doing 140+ in a 100 zone.It's there choice if people choose to speed and they will pay for it if caught.People should not play mister policeman and block people doing 1k over the speed limit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tab Sucker Moderating Team 32,303 Member For: 20y 10m 9d Gender: Male Location: Brisbane Posted 18/06/07 11:08 PM Share Posted 18/06/07 11:08 PM Get the fck out my way is my humble opinion. Use the left if ya not overtaking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SCRIBR Yaris member Member 4,486 Member For: 18y 8m 13d Gender: Male Posted 18/06/07 11:16 PM Share Posted 18/06/07 11:16 PM Bring in capitol punishment for these Fu*kwits who hold up traffic driving in the right hand lane, & torture the ones that do less than 10k's under the speed limit on two lane carriage ways.harsh but fair approach Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest newl Guests Posted 19/06/07 01:33 AM Share Posted 19/06/07 01:33 AM People need to be aware that the right lane in over 80 km/h zones are KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING.If you are not over taking, MOVE OVER or expect to have people p!ssed off behind you pushing you.Unless this has been changed recently, the rule is to keep left when doing 90 or better or unless otherwise advised (e.g. signs) to keep left.so you think its ok to slow down to 50-60k's on a congested 100-100 kph highway just to piss ONE person off? FFS how many people do YOU piss off by doing this?Doing 50-60km/h in a 100+ zone is also illegal. AFAIR, you're not meant to do anything less than 20 under unless of course you're turning or pulling off the road for whatever reason.And my $.10 on the tailgating to keep it on topic, I will move left at the earliest and safest possible moment to do so and not before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xxr64t XXR.64T Donating Members 560 Member For: 19y 9m 5d Gender: Male Location: sydney's east!!! Posted 19/06/07 02:45 AM Share Posted 19/06/07 02:45 AM im 1 dat likes 2 push ppl along if there in the right lane and there is no 1 in front of them. But tailgating and highbeaming I dont do plus I hate ppl that do that. PLus im 1 that loves the right lane. But if I see sum1 going faster I just move n let em thru, unless there being a tosser of course.I know were talking about ppl in oz, but ppl here that have driven in europe will understand, but with my recent trip to portugal, the drivers there are nuts. The speed limit is 120kph on freeways and if u are overtaking some1 they will high beam u to hurry up and move. But the good thing is everyone knows whether there old young or mid aged, when u overtake u get in the left lane straight away. Whats funny is even the ppl that are speeding change to the left lane once overtaking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Turbo6man Lifetime Members 4,084 Member For: 22y 4m 24d Gender: Male Location: South Coast NSW Posted 19/06/07 02:48 AM Share Posted 19/06/07 02:48 AM Best technique is when these people sit in the right lane wasteing everyone's time holding them up.You do a big launch at them and most times they get the hint, if that fails and you get the chance to pass left of them you do it so it looks like your going to ram them and turn left at the last minute.Then once passed and they still havn't got the message slam on your brakes and signal them to get the Fu*k out of the right lane.Who do these people think they are to waste your time.Bring in capitol punishment for these Fu*kwits who hold up traffic driving in the right hand lane, & torture the ones that do less than 10k's under the speed limit on two lane carriage ways.If you are sitting in the right lane doing say 105 in a 100 zone does not mean you have the right to hold up someone who is in a hurry.If a semi trailer is able to do 100 in a 100 zone a say XR6 T should there for be safe doing 140+ in a 100 zone.It's there choice if people choose to speed and they will pay for it if caught.People should not play mister policeman and block people doing 1k over the speed limit.Ooo yeh, I like this fella.It was a sad day when the stopped us from carrying guns aye. If we could carry guns then we wouldn't need the HWP - if some dum fukker gets in your way and has the audacity to slow you up (or is it down?) then just blow the dumbass off the face of the earth. He won't do it again!And roundabouts! ... just don't start me on roundabouts!! :roflmbo: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dillz Three pedals are better then two.. Donating Members 15,637 Member For: 17y 9m 9d Gender: Male Location: Melbourne Posted 19/06/07 02:53 AM Share Posted 19/06/07 02:53 AM All I can say is KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XR06T Silver Donating Members 4,146 Member For: 19y 8m 12d Gender: Male Posted 19/06/07 03:02 AM Share Posted 19/06/07 03:02 AM heheh heated topic!!I think that tailgating on a dual carriagway is pointless, because if someone is not clever enough to move over to the left when there is a gap, you think they are going to check their mirrors and see you?? not a chance..best bet is just to undertake people who sit in the right lane.I saw some horrible tailgating yesterday actually. I drive on a single lane each way road to work, speed limit up to 90 in parts. and a girl in her festiva would have been no more than 2m behind the car infront of her.. so dangerous.so yea, tailgating sucks, almost as much as right lane hogs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAP No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle! Lifetime Members 7,935 Member For: 21y 20d Gender: Male Location: Sydney Posted 19/06/07 03:06 AM Share Posted 19/06/07 03:06 AM Unless this has been changed recently, the rule is to keep left when doing 90 or better or unless otherwise advised (e.g. signs) to keep left.I think you will find that 90km/h and above is OVER 80km/hIt states in the Australian road rules OVER 80 km/h which is 81km/h and above.You can also get 80 zones with keep left unless overtaking signs, but unfortunatly they are rare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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