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Well the small gap thing pisses me off too, I tend to leave a fair distance between me and the next car, so if he hits the skids, ive got a second or two to wake up and brake. that's another very annoying thing though, when somebody stuffs up the gap so to speak.

I'll run in close to a numbnuts who has pulled out with an inappropriately small gap in front of me... but I won't stay close, it's too dangerous. If they've done that what else are they going to do?

Always cracks me up to see people zip off... then you reel them in... then they zip off... etc. Especially when you're in cruise control and rolling along at a dead constant speed.

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that seems to be the attitude of most people in australia. oh well I'm doing 10kms over the limit so I'll just ignor keeping left and just sit there.

10 km/h aint that much it's 6mph. if you sat in the outside lane at 6mph over the limit in europe you'd get killed.

theres a time and place for everything but at 6 in the morning driving down the freway and you get two cars side by side doing exactly the same speed say 110 they never pull over without a bit of encouragement. then on the odd occasion you get some tool jump on the brakes, which is heaps more dangerous.

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  • Yaris member
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Get the fck out my way is my humble opinion.

Use the left if ya not overtaking.


I flash them if they r just sitting there

ppl dont like the BF's highbeams.. they r mighty strong!

even if im doing 10 over and somebody comes up behind me rapid.. its only right to move out the way.. if the idiots in the right lane think its unsafe to doing slighty over the 100 or whatever.. and think they r doing the safe thing by sitting there.. then maybe they should read the road rules

1 of the w4nker sales reps that comes sees me thought he was being a big man blocking an SS como that had flashed him on the freeway.. next flash he saw was the red & blue lights for "not keeping left"

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But if you cant use the left lane, and you cant speed up because of the car in front of you, and there is STILL some dumb arse tailgating you thinking that if he gets in front of you it will make all the difference in the world, that's what im talking about.

Either way, no matter what people are doing tailgating isnt safe and you should just be patient.

I thought there would be some sensible drivers in this forum, note I said SOME.

There's no way it'll be a sticky.....I'll give it 24 hours before it'll have to be shutdown.....

Get the fck out my way is my humble opinion.

Use the left if ya not overtaking.

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Its interesting to see everybody's reaction when it comes to tailgaters.

I usually drive in LL on freeways on some occasions RL, if im in RL and I see a P plater or younger driver just speed up behind me I farrking slow down to 50kmph just to piss him off, he can overtake me at anytime if he is really in a hurry but no he wants me to move because he is so cool, hes speeding. Some occlusions I get people come close to me but in a normal way like slowly speeding up towards me so I move as hes not approaching me like a dikhead.

When it comes to me, I do tend to tailgate some type of people but I keep the distance incase they freak out and suddenly break. bloody camry drivers they are the worst! you never know whats coming next and they drive so freaking slowwwwww

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finally! somebody understands. and im guessing youd be over 25 years old?

I think everybody agrees that we shouldnt sit in the right lane, that's not what the topic was about, the topic was about tailgating, and even if somebody is tailgating you for sitting in the right lane whatever the reason, it is still stupid, and while jabbing on the brakes or slowing down might seem worse to some people, it might wake up the dopey buggers tailgating and show them what could happen if things went wrong.

There are far too many bullet proof 20 year olds around, I was one myself once, lost my licence for accumulation of points, winged and complained about it at the time, but now im glad it happened, im actually thankful to the police for doing it, because its made me a better driver. everybody has to grow up sometime. (and I know you guys think you wont, but read this topic in a few years and make another comment then.)

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Ok, seeing how every one is having a bleat I will have a go.

The driver I hate the most is the one that sits behind a slow car on a two lane road and does not overtake, no matter how safe it is.

Most people wont overtake more than one car at a time so the traffic just banks up behind them.

I am lucky I have the power to overtake multiple cars quickly and safely, I think 6 is my best. But if you are too far behind, you just have to sit with the rest of the cattle.

Damit people, fuel economy is good but if comes at the price of not being able to over take on a flat piece of road because your car is a gutless heap, Maybe you should get out and walk and while you are at it get your car crushed.

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Well I hate people driving up my ass! :w00t2: Also nothing worst than someone in the right lane blocking traffic doing 10km's below the limit! Its crap and people of all ages need to learn to keep left unless turning right or over taking. :spoton:


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There is tailgating and pushing, both are not the same.

Pushing is being closer than normal and tailgating is being within 3m of the back of a car.

Tailgating is dangerous, but pushing is nessassary due to right lane hogs.

Mind you I have been in the right lane overtaking @140 km/h and still been pushed by a driver. In these situations, I get a VERY dirty windscreen and put my dirty water all over their car.

If this does not work a flash of the brake lights (never brake check) and finally I will lift off and slow down.

People need to be aware that the right lane in over 80 km/h zones are KEEP LEFT UNLESS OVERTAKING.

If you are not over taking, MOVE OVER or expect to have people p!ssed off behind you pushing you.

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I dont think you need to tell the majority of users on here about keeping left and common courtesy on the road. Most of these "drivers" wouldnt even know how to turn on a bloody computer let alone read/listen to our concerns.

I never tale gate people who are stuck behind traffic etc, but if their the only car infront of me then I'll do as zap said and try to "push" them along.

Another one of my pet hates is the wankers who decide to overtake a car infront of them, just as you are coming up to the pair of them at a higher speed. Only for the guy who is now in the process of overtaking to decide and drive side by side the other guy. GET THE FARK OUT OF MY WAY! :spoton:

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