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I actually abused a guy today for sitting in the right lane and not moving over, I did flash him but he stayed there, I had a bad day at work and he sat there for ages and I lost it at the next opportunity. Him being of what looked like muslim background didnt help the whole situation after the news on the TV about the bombings of late.

I drove 2 mins down the road and felt terrible, my bad day wasnt his problem, I felt like appologizing to the poor guy.

Like most people on here that think tailgating is ok, I should have just been more patient.

All said though I still didnt tailgate him.

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Have a good looking chick sitting in the passengers seat. Make her wear a skin coloured top, and all people pull over to the left so you can overtake and they can see if she is wearing a top.

Simple really.


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I must admit if someone is driving way too slow like 60km/h in an 80km'h zone I will tailgate them and if that doesnt work I will pass on double lines, only on one section of road on the way too my house , it gets a bit irritating when it happens ALL the time! :crybaby:

Edited by phase3ute
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I had a 4WD sitting in the right lane last night on the way home from work, doing 60-65km/h in an 80 zone... needless to say I did flash them, and they still didn't move.. they did however speed up and even once they got past the cars in the left, they still didn't move over!! so I was forced to over take in the left hand lane :spoton:

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Guest FatBAt
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I had a 4WD sitting in the right lane last night on the way home from work, doing 60-65km/h in an 80 zone... needless to say I did flash them,...........

.......if a BA series falcon came up behind me and flashed his lights I would move over thinking it maybe a cop.

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What I find amazing is those people who change into the right hand lane and then slow down. Their intention is to turn right, but it's real annoying when they go through one or two lights before they get to their right hand turn.

And so you've got someone on the left doing 62kmh in an 80 zone, and someone on the right doing 60kmh. The guy on the right is ignoring your flashing because he knows he wants to turn right. Eventually.

Truly frustrating.

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What about when all is great and your travelling down the fast lane with no one in front of you and as you close in on another car in a completely different lane altogether, they suddenly feel this dying urge to change lanes and move in front of you?????

And as for flashing cars infront of you for holding you up, ive always thought that had the potential to incite sudden and very harsh braking so I never bother. Just go abuse the car radio or something.

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  • Member For: 18y 1m 21d
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Have a good looking chick sitting in the passengers seat. Make her wear a skin coloured top, and all people pull over to the left so you can overtake and they can see if she is wearing a top.

Simple really.


that's dangerous as one time my wife had a low cut top and short mini on, we where passing a semi on the left as per usual and it starts to steer left at us, I look up as I start to turn left to avoid him crushing us to see the passenger leaning out the window and I assume the driver was trying to look over hence steering left towards us.

It was on Beaudesert road Acacia Ridge intersection that turns to the speedway, we where north bound and lucky it was as had the room to avoid him but had to hit the brakes not to hit gutter on the other side.

I think the best approach is to have a blue flashing light, but hope they arn't off duty cops you use it on.

Another thing I have been wanting to do is fit a neon or led light that says "get the fu*ck out of the right lane unless overtaking fu*kwit" on back windscreen.

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Guest FatBAt
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I was travelling up the Hume between Melb & Albury a while back and was slowly coming up on a car. Then he moves over into the right lane. Im thinkin'...what the... As I was driving past I looked down and seen he wasn't alone.

She had her face in his lap going for it. I called on the radio to a guy in another truck that was behind me to have a look and he said when he drove past, she pulled her head up and was clearly finished (if yer get my drift). They must of got bored on the 300kl stretch.

I guess driving in the right lane has its' purposes sometimes.


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