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Guest FatBAt
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You know. After reading this entire thread, I am almost afraid to be on the same roads as some of these road ragious morons. And the fact that you are driving powerful cars exasperates the issue.

One guy even touches his brake to give the driver behind him an "oh f*ck" reaction just because something didn't go his way. Did you ever think about the car that was behind him. That stunt can potentially cause a major accident as I have witnesses. Four car pile up and my truck stopping metres away from what could have been a fatal accident. All that happened in about 5 seconds.

What would have happened if that guy was a bigger moron than you and started doing crazy stuff. Did you ever think about that? Evidently not. Its stupidity like that, that can get completely out of hand.

As a professional truck driver, I just shake my head when I see idiots do crap like that.

I think what has been said and wittnessed in this thread has just bought the repute of this forum down 10 pegs.

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Guest FatBAt
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Whats the view of a few members got to do with the "repute" of the forum.... :spoton:

What ever the repute originally was..... :blink::blink:

You think road rage is a view?

You don't think this forum has a good reputation? That is a very strange think to say coming from a Mod.

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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I have seen many "professional" truck drivers do pleanty of illegal and dangerous manovers on the road.

That makes me believe the Repute of all truck drivers has dropped 10 pegs :spoton:

Drivers on our roads are:

10% alert, aware and good drivers

50% on Autopilot and paying very little attention and consider themselves "safe" driers

30% have no idea, are illegally driving, drunk, stoned or very old - BAD DRIVERS

10% Hoons that think they are the best drivers on the road and that everyone should get out of their way (mainly P platers).

This mix should always be considered when driving. I have never had an at fault accident in 20 years of driving, but I have been hit about 5 times that I could not avoid an accident. This is because I am always aware of what is going on around me. People just need to look in their mirrors and more than 10ft in front of their car and they would be MUCH better drivers.

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I only tailgate if im on cuise and they keep slowing down and speeding up. If I overtake they overtake then slow down again. Can't help it.

As far as people tailgaiting me I usually flash them (flash brake light). If they dont get off my arse and they dont wana overtake then I slow right down. Then they get the message and back off.

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Guest FatBAt
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I have seen many "professional" truck drivers do pleanty of illegal and dangerous manovers on the road.

That makes me believe the Repute of all truck drivers has dropped 10 pegs :spoton:

Drivers on our roads are:

10% alert, aware and good drivers

50% on Autopilot and paying very little attention and consider themselves "safe" driers

30% have no idea, are illegally driving, drunk, stoned or very old - BAD DRIVERS

10% Hoons that think they are the best drivers on the road and that everyone should get out of their way (mainly P platers).

This mix should always be considered when driving. I have never had an at fault accident in 20 years of driving, but I have been hit about 5 times that I could not avoid an accident. This is because I am always aware of what is going on around me. People just need to look in their mirrors and more than 10ft in front of their car and they would be MUCH better drivers.

I did say SOME drivers are morons and of cause I agree that SOME professional drivers fall into that category as well. Like overtaking on double lines 'cause their mate on the UHF up front says its clear. Do they think aboout the panic they are causing for the car drivers without a UHF. If people want to take themselves out that is fine....but leave me and everyone else alone.

Truck drivers do have a bad reputation because of the twits, or cowboys as their known. And you know...most of these cowboys are the young guns under 30y/o that think that they are invinsible.

You hit the nail on the head when you said you "are aware of whats going on around.....". As I tell my son....always have a plan B and that plan will change after every corner.

So what I DON'T understand is why I get flamed....sheesh!!! THAT doesn't make sense. That is of cause unless you guys condone slamming your foot on the brake in front of another car. I've missed something here.

By the way. 20 years and no at fault accident is testimonial that you practice what you preach.

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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I do not think the personal attack was warranted (tab)

Please keep personal attacks out of any thread, we all have opinions, please respect them.

We are after DEBATE not ABUSE.

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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Last warning FatBAt and Tab.

I will not edit personal attacks, I just delete them.

If you 2 keep it up you can have a 2 day holiday.

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