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I flash them if they r just sitting there

ppl dont like the BF's highbeams.. they r mighty strong!

even if im doing 10 over and somebody comes up behind me rapid.. its only right to move out the way.. if the idiots in the right lane think its unsafe to doing slighty over the 100 or whatever.. and think they r doing the safe thing by sitting there.. then maybe they should read the road rules

1 of the w4nker sales reps that comes sees me thought he was being a big man blocking an SS como that had flashed him on the freeway.. next flash he saw was the red & blue lights for "not keeping left"

LMAO :buttrock:

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Actually I drove 20ks over the limit on a trip from Sydney to Ipswich and I took an hour and a half off the trip...

I hate it when im in the overtaking lane and someone just pulls in front of you even if there not overtaking someone.. they just want to move across.. So I flash my lights and if that doesnt work I put my foot down overtake them on the left and cut straight in front of them and make them have to hit there brakes... Why not if the dumbass is trying to be a *beep* then yeah...

that's the spirit. Drive like an even bigger spastic and try and cause them to crash. Dont bother with the cruise section. Please!

:buttrock: the new member.

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  • Sucker
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Actually I drove 20ks over the limit on a trip from Sydney to Ipswich and I took an hour and a half off the trip...

I hate it when im in the overtaking lane and someone just pulls in front of you even if there not overtaking someone.. they just want to move across.. So I flash my lights and if that doesnt work I put my foot down overtake them on the left and cut straight in front of them and make them have to hit there brakes... Why not if the dumbass is trying to be a *beep* then yeah...

Nice work! :angel:

If I wasn't so scared of what people on here think of me I'd mention that I may have done that once or twice before myself. Never enough brake to induce an accident, just enough to cause the "oh f*ck" reaction and skidmarks in their jocks :freak:

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that's right.... Im not stupid I dont make them have to lock up there brakes... to cause an accident... Geezze dont get your nickers in a not... Im guessing that its some of you wankers that are the people who sit in the fast lane for no reason then... Oh and sorry I didnt realise I was a maniac driver just because I sat 20 over the limit from 10pm onwards... I wasent driving through the day... Dont get so cut up about it...

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  • Sucker
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Don't hold back, give us your true opinion. But....don't you realise that speed kills? Haven’t you been paying attention to the government brainwashing advertising campaigns? :stupid:

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that's right.... Im not stupid I dont make them have to lock up there brakes... to cause an accident... Geezze dont get your nickers in a not... Im guessing that its some of you wankers that are the people who sit in the fast lane for no reason then... Oh and sorry I didnt realise I was a maniac driver just because I sat 20 over the limit from 10pm onwards... I wasent driving through the day... Dont get so cut up about it...

We all have our maniac squirts now and then, my point is it is your choice to go 20 over. If the car in front want's to stick to the limit, you have no right to 'teach them a lesson.'

This thread has gotten out of hand. The issue was about tailgaiting, not keeping left. The keeping left thing was just bought up by those who were trying to justify driving like thugs.

In simple terms, tailgaiting is idiotic, staying right when not overtaking (regardless of speed) is also idiotic. But, as said earlier, most of the tailgaiting going on on the roads, has nothing to do with people not keeping left, it's dopes driving too close (most of the time on single lane roads). If someone is holding you up, go around them, no need to tailgait. If the right lane is blocked, use the left, if all lanes are blocked flash and toot (99% of dirvers get this hint), if all else fails, use the break down lane (if you are in en emergency). If you have to slow down by 10ks for all of 1km, it is going to make absoloutly no impact on yout trip time at all. There seems to be alot of hot headed drivers out there who just need to take chill pills and think how their actions impact on others.

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There seems to be alot of hot headed drivers out there who just need to take chill pills and think how their actions impact on others.


Some drivers out there definately need a reality check and stop endagering their own lives and those that are driving next to them.

Speak to anyone that's recently had a car accident and let them tell you how they felt after it.

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