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If you are to lazzy to change from left back to right why even drive isn't that too much effort.

As for living in the county it his it's plus but a lot of minus's, have to drive to the city every time you want to by a upgrade part for your T, pot hole's that are bigger than your car, cow paddies etc etc.

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I was just thinking the exact same thing driving home today, on the gold coast highway its only 2 lanes, and its fully clogged 50% of the time, whereas if you go up to coomera and drive to sprinwood, we have 3 - 4 lanes the entire way to brisbane, I dont think I can ever recall myself being tailgated in a 3 or 4 lane road, because at the end of the day its highly unlikely your going to have a 4 lane moving road block, so people can just about drive where ever they like.

Sill keeping left helps.

Is this another labour related problem?

ok I have a reason why people dont keep left, and sit in the right lane even though they are not overtaking as the road rules tell us to do. Its because of our fu cked up roads... with traffic always merging in from the left, if you were to cruise in the left lane your contantly moving over to the right lane to let the merging traffic in. then back to the left before repeating said procedure all over again at the next merge point... so its like f*ck it, why not just stay in the right lane and then I wont be swerving all over the road???

solution? move out of the city and leave your stressed out lifestyle, traffic jams, smog, and overcrowded sh*t behind...

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Slightly off topic but being as someone mentioned it, regarding the citizens arrest, I believe that it depends upon the laws of the state in which you reside.

As an example:

Section 352, Sub-section1, New South Wales Crimes Act 40/1900:

Any Constable OR OTHER PERSON, may without warrant apprehend;

any person, in the act of committing an offense, under any Act, punishable whether on indictment or by summary conviction, and take him, and any property found upon him, before a justice, to be dealt with according to law.

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Sill keeping left helps.

Is this another labour related problem?

:blink: I cant think of a way not keeping left is a political issue, and considering its election time, it'd be in the media if it was....

but blame them if it helps I guess

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Slightly off topic but being as someone mentioned it, regarding the citizens arrest, I believe that it depends upon the laws of the state in which you reside.

As an example:

The main difference between a cop and a citizen is a cop can arrest you on suspicion.

The exert is correct that anyone can arrest anyone else if the have committed a crime.

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Maybe the fact that there is 2 lanes where there should be 3 ??? do I really need to tell you?

Then keeping left wouldnt be a problem any where as much.

:laughing: I cant think of a way not keeping left is a political issue, and considering its election time, it'd be in the media if it was....

but blame them if it helps I guess

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I agee with the other bit you said, but not the bit of moving out of the city !!!

I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER go back to a small town where every single person knows everybodys business!!!

I'll put up with the traffic jams.

solution? move out of the city and leave your stressed out lifestyle, traffic jams, smog, and overcrowded sh*t behind...
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I thought it was time somebody put a post up about this, because I cant be the only one who tears my hair out on a daily basis because of this.

Im sick and tired of Tailgaters, im talking when your in the right lane, or left, and doing 10 - 15 over, there will be some dick behind you tailgating, usually its young male drivers, 18 - 25, some females, but I think the females are just completely unaware there doing it alot of the time.

I tend to slow down to about 60km on the high way when I have it done to me, whats everybody else do.

Might be an idea to put this up as a permanant topic, spread the word, that tailgating is a stupid. If people are driving slow, flash your lights, drive around them, if that fails, just sit there and put up with it like most rational people would do.

And while im on the topic, people swerving from lane to lane really fast for no reason when changing lanes. There my two pet hates that make me want to crack skulls on a daily basis. Dont even get me started on roundabouts !!!

What does everybody else think about this?

I think there are problems with people who tailgate. they want to go fast by pressuring you.

tail gating happens everywhere. it's a personal issue many drivers have. they have no patience. they are in a hurry.

perhaps when an accident ocuurs due to tail gating then they will realise it is too late.

and by the way, tail gaters do drive pretty fast (most of them I have encountered anyway). but driving 10-15 km/h faster than the average driver means very little in reducing travel time. they are simply using more fuel, costing themselves more, and pose as an danger to the roads.

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Actually I drove 20ks over the limit on a trip from Sydney to Ipswich and I took an hour and a half off the trip...

I hate it when im in the overtaking lane and someone just pulls in front of you even if there not overtaking someone.. they just want to move across.. So I flash my lights and if that doesnt work I put my foot down overtake them on the left and cut straight in front of them and make them have to hit there brakes... Why not if the dumbass is trying to be a *beep* then yeah...

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