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heheh heated topic!!

I think that tailgating on a dual carriagway is pointless, because if someone is not clever enough to move over to the left when there is a gap, you think they are going to check their mirrors and see you?? not a chance..

best bet is just to undertake people who sit in the right lane.

I saw some horrible tailgating yesterday actually. I drive on a single lane each way road to work, speed limit up to 90 in parts. and a girl in her festiva would have been no more than 2m behind the car infront of her.. so dangerous.

so yea, tailgating sucks, almost as much as right lane hogs.

Undertaking is VERY dangerous and is not the solution. I have seen a couple of very bad accidents from undertakers.

A quick flash of the highbeams will usually move a roadblock along. Trying to go past on the left is never a good idea.

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of course it needs to be done with care, im not going to disagree with that..

and it can cause grief when the right lane hog sees the error of their ways and smashes into the left lane without proper checks of their mirrors and your already there.

'best bet' is not the terminology to use, as it should be a last resort :spoton:

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Tailgaiting is not just an issue on multi-lane roads. It seems to be an all too common thing on all roads lately. Many drivers appear oblivious to it.

It is absoloutly brainless and pointless. If you want to go faster, go around, if the car in front is going under the speed limit, flash or toot them.

I do not stand tailgaiting at all in any situation.

My favorite ploy with tailgaiters is to slow down and move left, inviting them to pass, then when the try, give it a bootfull and leave them for dead (great in the T). 90% of the time they get the point. The other 10% are just morons who will never learn.

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  • Sucker
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Real clever - you must fit in to the 98% of drivers on the road that are complete f*ckwits.

What ever makes you feel good though I guess :spoton:

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I think you will find that 90km/h and above is OVER 80km/h

It states in the Australian road rules OVER 80 km/h which is 81km/h and above.

You can also get 80 zones with keep left unless overtaking signs, but unfortunatly they are rare.

It has in fact changed (it used to be 90 or better) so I stand corrected. :)

From Australian Road Rules

130 Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road

(1) This rule applies to a driver driving on a multi-lane road if:

(a) the speed-limit applying to the driver for the length of road where the driver is driving is over 80 kilometres per hour; or

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Dont even get me started on roundabouts !!!


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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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It has in fact changed (it used to be 90 or better) so I stand corrected. :)

From Australian Road Rules

Meh, We are both technically correct, it was just the termanology :blink:

The problem is that most people have NFI when it comes to road rules.

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Guest newl
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I must be pretty sad then. I naturally read (skimmed) them when applying for a WA license but a year ago or so I actually read them start to finish. It's amazing the stuff that's in there that you wouldn't realize unless you'd read it.

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He who hesitates looses isn't it..... :blink:

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dead right

Tailgaiting is not just an issue on multi-lane roads. It seems to be an all too common thing on all roads lately. Many drivers appear oblivious to it.

It is absoloutly brainless and pointless. If you want to go faster, go around, if the car in front is going under the speed limit, flash or toot them.

I do not stand tailgaiting at all in any situation.

My favorite ploy with tailgaiters is to slow down and move left, inviting them to pass, then when the try, give it a bootfull and leave them for dead (great in the T). 90% of the time they get the point. The other 10% are just morons who will never learn.

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