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I thought it was time somebody put a post up about this, because I cant be the only one who tears my hair out on a daily basis because of this.

Im sick and tired of Tailgaters, im talking when your in the right lane, or left, and doing 10 - 15 over, there will be some dick behind you tailgating, usually its young male drivers, 18 - 25, some females, but I think the females are just completely unaware there doing it alot of the time.

I tend to slow down to about 60km on the high way when I have it done to me, whats everybody else do.

Might be an idea to put this up as a permanant topic, spread the word, that tailgating is a stupid. If people are driving slow, flash your lights, drive around them, if that fails, just sit there and put up with it like most rational people would do.

And while im on the topic, people swerving from lane to lane really fast for no reason when changing lanes. There my two pet hates that make me want to crack skulls on a daily basis. Dont even get me started on roundabouts !!!

What does everybody else think about this?

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nice rant!!! would do me proud, but I gotta admit, I'm REALLY guilty of this, mainly cause I drive on country roads where people tend to do 30km/h under the posted limit and there are limited passing areas, nothing pisses me more than being held up by someone scared of doing 90 even in a 100 zone....

its not rocket science :spoton:

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I luagh heaps when I see people speed up then brake, then speed up agian and brake.. I mean wtf?? so stupid..

I mainly drive to work and back so its all freeway. I just sit in the left lane on 100-103 with cruise control, and just watch every silly person fly past me in their beaten up datsuns.

But yeah when I get a tailgater I just slow down a heap

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nice rant!!! would do me proud, but I gotta admit, I'm REALLY guilty of this, mainly cause I drive on country roads where people tend to do 30km/h under the posted limit and there are limited passing areas, nothing pisses me more than being held up by someone scared of doing 90 even in a 100 zone....

its not rocket science :spoton:

Ok, im from the bush, and I can relate there on the country roads, but still no reason for it on the highway. you know you cant stop in time, your abs is no good short range? and its your fault if you rear end somebody, pretty much no matter what.

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  • Former MPS3 Driver!
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I agree, I just dont get how pulling over to let the 30 cars lined up behind you pass is going to hurt, especially when you're going to take 3 hours for a 2 hour trip.... :spoton:

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I only tailgate mugs that sit in the right lane.

it doesn't matter if you are doing 10-15 kms over the limit, if you aint passing people KEEP LEFT.

people that brake test you or slow down if you flash your lights at them need running of the road.

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I only tailgate mugs that sit in the right lane.

it doesn't matter if you are doing 10-15 kms over the limit, if you aint passing people KEEP LEFT.

people that brake test you or slow down if you flash your lights at them need running of the road.

I agree, but if say your on the pacific highway, on the coast, which is two lanes, completely congested, in the right lane, travelling at 15 over the limit, with a car directly in front of you, then tailgating me isnt going to help?

Tailgating is just dumb mate, full stop. and if your going to overtake somebody that's already doing 15 over, then your probably driving like an idiot anyways.

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I tend to slow down to about 60km on the high way when I have it done to me, whats everybody else do.


Can't say I get tailgated when I'm in the left lane. But if I'm in the right lane, and someone is behind me, I'll move to the left lane at my earliest opportunity. Bit of common sense and courtesy.

I expect the same if some jackass is sitting in the right lane with the left lane free.

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I'll run in close to a numbnuts who has pulled out with an inappropriately small gap in front of me... but I won't stay close, it's too dangerous. If they've done that what else are they going to do?

Always cracks me up to see people zip off... then you reel them in... then they zip off... etc. Especially when you're in cruise control and rolling along at a dead constant speed.

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There's no way it'll be a sticky.....I'll give it 24 hours before it'll have to be shutdown.....

Get the fck out my way is my humble opinion.

Use the left if ya not overtaking.

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