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Aussie Drag Racer Troy Critchley In Fatal Crash


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I remember when it first happened and the first thing I thought of is" what idiots organised a legal drag race without barriers". Being a father of two no way would I let my kids so close to something like that, I feel for the family and friends killed but no way should Troy be blamed for it. I reckon he has suffered enough.

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no way is Troy responsable motor sport is dangerouse on every ticket and every entrance gate in aus, no barriers fault - organiser, racing on street - police ( they even have lower speed limits ) although I feel sorry for those hurt parents especialy have responsababilty to their kids, -fault (ex - it would be like standing your kids in one lane of a highway on a wet night and watching trucks run by or taking your kids to see the running of the bulls and standing on the footpath . ) anyone of those cars could have blown a tyre or something and that he was asked to do this no way is he resonsable.

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Event organisers have a lot to answer for as far as crowd control/safety measures not being used. Its a tragedy but I don't think its Troy fault.

I remember being at Oran park one year when a wheel came off a car and killed a spectator, motor sport is unfortunately dangerous.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Lose/lose situation for everbody concerned and unfortunatly Troy chose to push the pedal. Everybody involved is as guilty as everybody else. 6 people where killed and as americans as whole seem to be unable to accept responsibility for the own actions i think Troy will be hung out too dry.

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Having watched last nights very biased 60mins report, I still stand by my comments above that Troy is the driver and was in control of the car.

After watching the footage, it reinforces my view that this was a BURNOUT exabition, not a drag race.

There were many cars doing static (not moving forward) displays as this would have been safe (short of a tyre blowing and hitting someone).

Troy chose to do a tyre warmup burnout like they do in drag racing staging. He claims he was only doing 60-70mph (100-130kmh) but from the footage it was a lot faster.

If he had just line locked the car and done a big smokey burnout, the only complaint would have been from too much smoke.

While I do not feel that he should go to jail, I think he will as people want someone to pay for the deaths and injurys.

My wife who was watching as well said that she would not have allowed our kids to stand by the road to watch the display. Who was to know what Troy was going to do in his 2000hp funnycar, he made the wrong decision and the organisers/police/fire brigate need to have some level of accountability, but I believe that Troy is 80% responsible.

He came across in that interview that he is being arrogant and making it out that he is being picked on and that it was not his fault. I do not see him taking responsibility for his actions, only covering his arse.

I feel sorry for the people who were killed / injured and Troy's family, I do not have any for Troy. What ever the result, Troy will have to live with the knowladge that he made a dumb mistake that killed many people.

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all I can say is I'm glad it won't be me on the jury trying to decide I couldn't

but I think to say he came across as arogant was a bit harsh ,the guy looked devastated to me

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80% very harsh ,some responsabilaty for saying yes, troy is known for his long burnouts which is why they asked him in the fist place because they wanted something spectactular, just beacuse we only saw a couple of other cars in video doesnt mean others did not do long burnouts as well. youed be hard pressed to go to a propper metting and not have one or more go offline and if there was an accident and people were injured at a meet, do we blame the driver because he knows its happened before.

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latest news from the usa says that troy was cleared of murder and has recived an 18 month probation... no jail time.

edit....AUSTRALIAN drag racer Troy Critchley has negotiated a deal that will keep him out of an American jail.

The Queensland-born, Texas-based Critchley was facing life in prison, but in a plea deal agreed upon with Tennessee prosecutors today and supported by families of the victims, he was sentenced to one year of probation and a suspended one-year jail sentence.

Edited by BFHOON
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