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Aussie Drag Racer Troy Critchley In Fatal Crash


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it was a tradgic accident but I dont know if he can be blamed for the lack of safety measures taken

Im with ya on this mate, how can they charge him with manslaughter? IMO Its not up to the drivers to ensure that appropriate safety measures are taken in regards to the venue, they just drive and put on a show for the spectators. The people who organise the event have completely disregarded public safety and are the ones to blame. Its not like it was illegal street racing, it was for a good cause and was organised. It wasnt on purpose, accidents do happen and people died yes, and while I feel for their families, charging the driver isnt correct.

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No one will win from this.

But as the driver, he should have either done a smaller display due to the close proximity of the spectators or not done it at all.

I have seen the footage and he is giving it way to much for the conditions.

He is negligent for his actions as the organisers are for not providing suitable barriers and crowd control.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but its easy to say in hindsight.

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No one will win from this.

But as the driver, he should have either done a smaller display due to the close proximity of the spectators or not done it at all.

I have seen the footage and he is giving it way to much for the conditions.

He is negligent for his actions as the organisers are for not providing suitable barriers and crowd control.

looking at the footage,(youtube) he got off the gas as he passed the camera and then seemed to coast into the crowd...wierd!

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of course it it up to him to only operate the race car is safe manner and environment, he should of realised that he wasnt leaving Mick Atholwoods at Paisley dve Lawnton on a friday arvo after work any longer.

Crazy stuff, the poor families including Troys he was a nice kid when I met him yonks ago, I pray for him to get off as his mind will never let off for the rest of his days

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There’s a story on this tonight on 60 Minutes; will be interesting to see what they have to say.

The Scapegoat

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Reporter: Liam Bartlett

Producers: Garry McNab and Nick Greenaway

It was a black day indeed. For the town of Selmer, Tennessee - for drag racing - and for Aussie legend Troy Critchley.

If ever you needed proof of the old saying "no good deed goes unpunished" - this is it.

A year ago, Troy was in Selmer doing his good deed, a spectacular demonstration drive for charity.

But it all went horribly wrong, six bystanders were killed, another 22 were injured. You can imagine what that did to the town. You can even understand their need to find a scapegoat.

But, for some in Selmer, it's personal.

They want to see Troy Critchley suffer - to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Online petition:

The following link is to an online petition requesting federal government support for Troy's case. It was started by his friends in the racing community in Australia.


Full transcript arrives Monday

Would certainly hate to be him!

Yeah he f*cked up....but who in their right mind would allow people (especially children) to line a street next to a drag car without any barriers. Should be the organisers spending the rest of their natural lives behind bars if anything.

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After watching the story on 60 minutes, talk about a scape goat. The poor buggar, I thought that maybe a few of us would like to get behind Troy and may like to sign the petition that has been organised to request the Aussie government to get behind this bloke. I'm sure that most of us would have gone to watch and event like the one he was invited to show the people of Selmer USA. Poor bastard, maybe the people should be looking at the 1 person who passed the tyre, or the bloke that sprayed the water on the road.

How many people sue Tiger Woods or other golfers when they are hit by a ball? Were they not standing too close?!?

As a mum I'm sorry for the people who lost family and friends but how can you blame 1 person for a truely freakish accident??

Should you wish please sign this petition.Support Troy Critchley.


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Theres already a thread about this poor fella somewhere around, Ive signed the petition though, Lets hope the poor bugger gets a fair trial..

Hopefuly we can get some more signatures :)

EDIT: Seems the thread was merged ;) hehe.

Theres been about 600+ signatures since the story aired tonight :)

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Yeah Jimbo...merged threads :unsure:

Typical new-age mentality, lets pin the guilty flag on someone, doesn’t matter who it is, then sue his arse off.

Interesting point raised in the story about the police closing the road and organising the crowd....if anyone needs to be charged with negligence it's them.

Nobody can win out of this, but it scares me to think where it may end up :sharon:

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thanks for merging the threads, just makes you wonder where this crazieness will stop. SOME THING JUST HAPPEN, UNPLEASANT AND UNFAIR AS THEY SEEM. Im no religious yahoo at all but $hit happens.


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Farken hell... Poor bastard





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