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Finally Run My T Last Night


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You daft bastard you missed the joke. :Doh:

RIP what would my pink vl run, if I were to slam it on ceptor's, drive around chapel st with 14 year olds in the back and cruise past bell st maccas on the way home to sit there for 4 hours whilst eating kebabs from Haci's

lol, :roflmbo:

honestly fats, I couldnt tell you mate.

but from memory, I was at bell street maccas once and this tabouli sauce coloured vl was there. I went up to the owner to ask what power hes making and he said "round 350rwkw with std turbo, std internals and no intercooler, Broooooooooooooo! I said faaaaaaaaaark that's maaad! when I asked what time he ran I couldnt beleive it, 10seconds with std 195 tyres at the back! they must have some fukin great mechanics and tuners in coburg/preston areas for every vl to be in the 10's yeah? and look bro, I dont know if its true, but that's what he told me, std internals, I dont know but, tuned on race tabouli sauce! :roflmbo::spoton:

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lol, :tease:

honestly fats, I couldnt tell you mate.

but from memory, I was at bell street maccas once and this tabouli sauce coloured vl was there. I went up to the owner to ask what power hes making and he said "round 350rwkw with std turbo, std internals and no intercooler, Broooooooooooooo! I said faaaaaaaaaark that's maaad! when I asked what time he ran I couldnt beleive it, 10seconds with std 195 tyres at the back! they must have some fukin great mechanics and tuners in coburg/preston areas for every vl to be in the 10's yeah? and look bro, I dont know if its true, but that's what he told me, std internals, I dont know but, tuned on race tabouli sauce! :spoton::stupid:

:roflmbo: @ tabouli

Probably wasn't even turbo :roflmbo:

But every V: owner has a cousin whos uncles sisters brother in law works at a workshop and built there car into a 10 second monster...OMG ULEGS look at that thing dose, it must run a 10

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:wub: @ tabouli


though once I did see a guy with a VL & he told me it ran 11s.. so I was thinkn "11s that's a bit slower than they normally quote".. but then we he "drove" past me.. im pretty sure I could safely say it would do less than a 12.

well done mick! sounds like u need a plenum now :roflmbo:

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also try 1liter less and half the cams etc...

Anyway well done Mike nice time considering the loppage...much much quicker then Franks quickest time... :blush:


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