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Thought I Would Post Some Pics....


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  • Member For: 17y 9m 29d
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  • Location: Bordertown SA
looks good, did you reset the rear herrod springs looks really low in the back

Nah that's as I got it. It's a bit too low as I quite often have to tow a trailer (haven't behind this car yet). Will be doing some research this week into a different style of suspension setup :flameman:

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  • Member For: 19y 7m 15d
  • Location: SA
looks good, did you reset the rear herrod springs looks really low in the back

I thought much the same, looks lower than mine with herrod springs, although the larger rims over my 17" stockers may give the appearance that it is lower.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 17y 9m 29d
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Apparently it is too low....at least that's what plod said as he wrote out the defect notice. He pulled me over as I was doing 50 in a 60 zone and let the rustbucket that just zipped past me at 70 odd ks go. Anyway it appears that the game for the night was to defect the newest possible car. The six (yes SIX, that's your taxpayer dollars hard at work hey)cops looking over my car and a real late model skyline were bragging to each other about the newest cars they had pulled up and stickered that night.

I am not whinging about the defect; it was too low. My problem is that they defect an 03 BA cos it looks nice and let the restbuckets with no exhausts and bald tyres stay on the road.

And why does a cop have the expertise to slap the sticker on for being too low but he can't use the same tape measure to check to see if the ride height is legal? The process is the same.....So an untrained person can tell me it's not legal but I need a trained engineer to tell me it is legal.

End rant by a very irratated T driver

BTW have got a set of XT springs coming to restore it 4wd ride height, clear the defect and then (more than likely) put the old ones back in.

EDIT: dyno results were dissapointing:202rwkw but had detonation problems due to f*cked spark plugs. Toddys standard XR6T was a real surprise on the day: No mods other than removal of the Air Filter (which is a K&N anyway) and he got 208+rwkw...that car is just a freak!!

Edited by xhute0
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Doh!! Sorry to hear that man, what an absolute load of bolloks if you ask me :( Im sure your car handles better and is more safe than their car they're driving around. That things got the perfect ride height, I'd definitely be putting the springs back in after the pits.

If you get real bored would you mind taking pictures of the spring installation process. I.e which bolts your undoing to drop the front/rear suspension components to be able to take out the springs. It would really help a lot of people I think.

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  • Member For: 17y 9m 29d
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  • Location: Bordertown SA

Was actually thinking that this wouldn't be a bad idea. Will keep it in mind (if batteries aren't flat in the camera (which is the usual problem :tease: ). and I don't get all excited and do it then think "sh*t...no photos) :blink::stupid:

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  • Member For: 17y 9m 29d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Bordertown SA
hey mate awesome looking ride..

1 question.. did you tint the rear lights urself? and if so, how did you do it?



No they were already tinted.

He did them using the spray on tint. IMO he got the dark just right cos when I first looked at the car, I didn't pick that they were tinted.

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