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Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source ho·mol·o·gate premium.gifthinsp.pngspeaker.gif /həˈmɒlthinsp.pngəˌgeɪt, hoʊ-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[huh-mol-uh-geyt, hoh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –verb (used with object), -gat·ed, -gat·ing. 1.to approve; confirm or ratify. 2.to register (a specific make of automobile in general production) so as to make it eligible for international racing competition
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finally something constructive and useful, this is what will make a difference... I'd like to think maybe someone, somewhere actually understood what the hell I was on about, but unfortunately, Tab excluded, thick as housebricks comes to mind....

tmac, maturity would also come from being able to argue your point without petty little bullsh*t stabs at the person you are argueing with, a point somewhat lost on most here, FFS you guys cant even be adult enough to correctly type my username without using school kid jokes, I've had my childhood questioned, its been mentioned I'm on drugs, and been told my opinion is pathetic, I've had posts edited by moderators claiming personal attacks for far less.....

end point, hopefully we can put something together usefull, that may make us look like adults :spoton:

I'm spent here

Sorry, but I recall the personal attacks started with yourself. The replies from others and myself we merely in reply, and following the trend you started.

I have right from the start (and in other threads) stated that all teams (Expensive Daewoo included) are being given the shaft by the Toll/HRT cheating, but this is backed by Holden. Both Lownds and Ingall stated that ther main beefs with Expensive Daewoo was the fact that all Expensive Daewoo teams (in order to gain factory support) had to supply thier data and research results to Holden. This data is then made available to the HRT/HSV teams which Expensive Daewoo beleives are their 'factory' teams which must dominate all others bsecause of the resources they put into them.

Can someone who knows what they're doing, please get this thing rolling by starting a petition somewhere.

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FFS, you still upset about this, isnt something else happening somewhere bigger than V8's?? :blink:

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  • Former MPS3 Driver!
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yep Tab... all ready to go, all we need are 30 identical cars driven by 30 identical drivers, everyone will be happy :stirthepot:

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yep Tab... all ready to go, all we need are 30 identical cars driven by 30 identical drivers, everyone will be happy :stupid:

This is a Ford based car enthusiest forum. People are passionate about their sport. V8 Supercars is currently the sport at the pinnicle of our area of interest in Australia. Why is it so hard for you to accept that we will (like all sports) take an interest and discuss the topic in this forum.

What is wrong with motorsport fans (on a motoring forum) airing their wish list for what they would see as the ultimate in motorsport?

Your constant belittlement of the discussion is the least constructive of all. If you don't like it, or can't comment without constantly berating what is obviously the view of the majority, then butt out.

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How's life up there on your high horse?

Sooo.....how about we stand around and twiddle our thumbs for a bit.

Good, not quite as high as the clouds though.

Thumb twiddling is a little better than up our bums though.

As I said before, can someone with a bit more knowledge of how things work around here (cough, moderator, cough) get the ball rolling with some sort of survey/poll on what members would like to see happen in Australian motorsport.

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Good, not quite as high as the clouds though.

Thumb twiddling is a little better than up our bums though.

As I said before, can someone with a bit more knowledge of how things work around here (cough, moderator, cough) get the ball rolling with some sort of survey/poll on what members would like to see happen in Australian motorsport.

I second that.

Lets get this started.

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  • Former MPS3 Driver!
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How's life up there on your high horse?

Sooo.....how about we stand around and twiddle our thumbs for a bit.


this is great, I cant even have a joke with Tab without upsetting you....the fact WE are all motorsport fans seems a long way from the often quoted "its biased towards Expensive Daewoo therefore I'm not watching anymore" comment.....

go off and make your poll, its not that hard, I promise I wont even vote, you can have it all to yourself...I'd hate to get stuck in a thread where no-one has a sense of humour :spit:

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