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Engine Kaboom Any Ideas Where To Look?


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  • The 'nice guy'
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  • Location: Sydney (Area around Ryde)

Driving home Friday afternoon in Sydney's incredible storm, and carefuly negotiated a round-a-bout and as I exited all the 'fun' started.

Unusual mechanical noises. :blink:

Nearly instant loss of power and of course power steering. :blink::blink:

Engine oil light comes on.

Manage to park it...slowly...with what momentum was there.

Smoke pouring from under-bonnet.

Jump out and lift bonnet to see flames from turbo area. :blink::blink::blink:

Damned car extinguisher I'd bought had just sat at home, now I needed it so it seemed, but it went out very rapidly, luckily. That's a lesson.....

Notice huge rainbow running down the road, or what was now almost more like a creek with the weather, and it was obvious I'd dumped ALL the oil.

TRYING to walk through the weather and see, I managed to find some 'bits' as I walked back toward the round-a-bout. It was pretty hard to see let alone walk outside on Friday as those from Sydney or surrounds would remember, but my collection which is no doubt just a percentage of what was on the road makes a stunning photo as attached. I've got a very bad feeling about this. :blink:

Any gurus out there who can suggest where I might look for the damage? Fire on RHS (turbo), but found one piece of metal on LHS of engine bay, but can't see any external damage, but no tools or trolley jack, or advice, as my mechanic neighbour is away for the long weekend, so I can't get a proper look yet.

Maybe the photos give some hint as to where I can look tommorrow (when neighbour home) before I begin a no doubt LONG road to recovery? It would be 'nice' to see/know before I get to a mechanic.





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yeh looks like sump material to me too.

best bet is the drivers side under the turbo, thrown a rod out there and spilt oil on the hot turbo causing a fire.

good excuse now to get an atomic bottom end in a built tested block. :blink:

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Driving home Friday afternoon in Sydney's incredible storm, and carefuly negotiated a round-a-bout and as I exited all the 'fun' started.

Damn, how "unfortunate" that you took a gob full of water during Friday nights storm. Looks like your engine hydroliced itself.


Nudge, nudge, wink, wink - say no more .............

Most insurance companies will cover this type of damage provided you were driving on a road that is normally traversed by regular traffic - which by the sounds of it you were.

I personally know of two cases - an SS Late model camira of a friend (about 8 years ago) that crossed a road during a storm and a 4WD of a friend of mine who crossed a washout (he was covered as it was classed as a "road" and the washout is normally dry).

Both hydroliced - the SS because he had a lower snorkel in the front air dam, and the 4WD as the water was a little higher than he thought (and funnily enough he didn't have a snorkel).


Edited by gu4800
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  • The 'nice guy'
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  • Location: Sydney (Area around Ryde)
yikes, got any pics of engine bay from on top and under neath?

From the top and with half an hour of searching I can't see a thing, keeping in mind you can't see 3/4 of the block anyway e.g. turbo heat sheild and so on.

NOT going under until I get my neighbours trolley jack tommorrow.

If those are bits of sump as some have helpfully noted, then under it will be...

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Don't go under the car with only a trolley jack holding it up!

Put it up on stands aswell.

It's pretty easy to get the turbo heat shield off. I think you'll see alot more then.

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