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Calling All Wa Members


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Hey guys,

I've been to the last few cruises organised by these guys and they're pretty good all in all. The only thing that could be improved upon is increasing the number of T's :yeahyeah:

I was thinking we could all meet up close to the meet point then rock up as a group, representing this forum? Last time there was around 80 - 100 cars and it was :banem: weather. If the weather's good, expect more cars to be there.

Put your hand up and show your interest then we can decide on a meet point/time etc.


For all the Rocko guys, I was thinking we could meet at Rhino car wash around 7pm and leave around 7:15pm. What do you's think?

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I had to leave after the 2nd leg, was pretty tired, plus I had work

was lost for most of the cruise anyway :stirthepot:

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  • Colossal Member
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I didnt even see this thread...

If anyone wants to organise events in the future that's cool, just send myself or Ninka a PM so the thread can be opened in the WA Cruises and Events section, so everyone who frequents here knows it's on :roflmbo:

Anyone got pics of the day?

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  • Silver Donating Members
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no pics from me..

we left about 15 mins after you michael, as they still weren't leaving that stop.

was a pretty good cruise, chopped a couple of people haha, including some chump in his ea v8 :roflmbo: guess he was the real winner after giving me the looser fly-by :spoton:

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