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Someone Smashed My Car!


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Sorry to here that Purvie, your insurance will handle all the legal stuff.

If you didn't get photos go back and get them. Very important to have evidence. I know he's gone now but it's always a good idea to take a couple of snaps with your phone.

2 weeks ago I had the bus driver hit me, he knew he was in the wrong, then when it went to claims he changed the story around and tried to put the blame on me. I had all the proof I needed and put it back in his face. His insurance paid for everything, including my Calais hire car. It was all sorted before I even picked the car up.

So write everything down asap while it's still fresh in your head, get some pics of the area, street names etc and put the lot in.

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Scribr, it was a grey XR6! not sure bout the exhaust, I was concentrating on my poor car :w00t2: After we drove off he was burning round the side streets near there so could of been the same guy?

Anyway I went down to the cop shop, and filled a report out, but they said what sinnkexr6t and gu4800 did, that if he changes his story and says that I hit him, I need to find witnesses, but I didnt see any there was no one around! Ill just have to keep pushing him if it gets to that stage. knowing my luck hes probably a member of this site and is reading my post right now...

Nice one FastR1Red, ill actually need a rental car to get myself to and from work, so ill hit him up for that aswell.

I want to say also that the ppl on the xr6t forum are really great, sympathetic and can really lend a helping hand, thanks guys its much appreciated..



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shoulda kicked his arse and told the cops the bruising he recieved was from the accident :spoton:

On a serious note though, I hope it all works out for you mate I've been in the same boat and it's not the best thing ever to experience

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He will change his story. If he goes through his insurance company then he will have been

advised never to except liability. Your best bet is to report him to the police and try to get him

charged with culpable (I think that's to way to spell it) driving.

One thing I have learnt from many years of driving, when you are involved in an accident get the cops down their or go to the cop shop straight after the accident if the other party is at fault :stirthepot: . The cops don't like to come

to a small accident scene but it saves you the hassle with insurance claims and people getting away with not excepting liability.

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Sherms right Matty, Some tool in an excel did the exact same thing to me when I had my vl and just keep blowing me of till I said bugger it and paid for it myself.

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Sorry to hear about the accident; sounds like a very odd thing to happen too!

I live 2min from there and drive thru the intersection 4 times a day, I know it well and have seen some regular ba xr6s that drive a little silly in the area, has ben some close calls in my own and others cars around there.

Before I got my typhoon I had someone go in the back of me in the same intersection, coming from the other side of princess hwy from fountian gate and braked on the otherside of the lights to allow others in and smack, small white excel come sliding into the back of me in the rain.. She claimed her brakes don't work which kind of pissed me off; I had to ask why the **** she was driving, in the rain, so closely, not paying attention if your 'brakes don't work' angering, then to make it worse it was similar to what is happening here, she stiffed on payment etc, so I made claim after she got het dad to abuse me (yer, me lol, I wasnt at fault) and racv took care of it all and I payed $0.00

good luck, and be careful, this area seems to be packed with tw@ts

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One thing I have learnt from many years of driving, when you are involved in an accident get the cops down their......

my dad told me that.. if somebody else is at fault call em and say your neck feels sore

they will b down in a flash

I wish I did that when I had a soudanies (who cares if its spelt wrong, read it how it sounds :tease:) guy on his L's unsupervised crash into me.. tried to drive off.. then when it came to claim time his insurance claimed I ran into him!

not sure who knows the area.. but it was @ princess hwy & sprinvale rd junction.. coming from dandy turning to centre road (towards springy).. there is a 2 laned slip lane.. the guy turned like he was driving a semi when I was right next to me! :roflmbo: idiot

would have been alot better if I called the cops!

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im not sure about vic but in nsw you also need to go to the police station and fill out a p5 statment.

the insurance company may need it.

Nah its a bit different then that. If youve exchanged deatils then its deemed a minor collision that doesn not require any investigation and therefore can simply be reported over the phone. Not all insurance companies care if its reported or not, as long as you have the driver at fault deatils your sweet.

I do agree with one of the other posts that if he changes his story, especially after his had time to think about it and speak to others, your definately screwd. All he now has to say is that you hit him up the bum, which 99 times out of 100 is actually the case.

Ive nearly has this happen to me a few times. Ppl get into the intersection to turn and then change there mind. Now as there nose is too far out they suddenly wack it into reverse and for some farken reason dont even bother to look, as there too farken worried about getting there nose chopped off.


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