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Paper To The Wall Or Over The Top...


Dunny Roll  

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there's always one idiot who thinks TTW is the only way for the paper to be, this same person will undoubtably use vast swathes of the dunny paper (I swear they must eat it while they're in there) so that when you go for a dump there is only one square left hanging. and youre the one who has to replace the role. You'd think the TTWer would want to do it themself, so that they can orient said role in thier preffered TTW facing, WRONG a TTWer prefers you to fit the new role, then they'll switch it around the other way. The only way you can get any sort of revenge on the TTWers is to leave the now empty dunny role on the floor, As TTwers are notoriously anal, this will annoy them no end, it's a minor but importaint act of revenge.

ZAP, you are indeed lucky that your wife is a OTT, if she were a TTW a breakup would have been your best option.

Ani, It gives me real hope that TTWers can be converted, obviously in your instance this was learned behaviour and not a part of your psycology.

Dags, At last a poll about the big tissues.

XR falcon, where did you get that role? I want one!

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XR falcon, where did you get that role? I want one!

I got it imported from Germany, the birthplace of all schiezen related goods. No body makes them quite as good as the Germans. I personally don't like buying cheap imitation rolls of paper :idunno:

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Next you will be asking if you wipe foward or backwards. Wall for me.


it's a conversation that me and the mates have all had - one girl even threatened to leave her boyfriend over him being a frontwiper

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