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My Engine Lurches After A Cold Start


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Dear forum,

I've noticed something since I bought my BF2 6 sp auto XR6T in early February this year. It is completely stock.

There is a surging up and down in engine power (lurching the car forward) as a I drive away after each cold start. This goes on for the first few seconds while I let the engine take the car forward (or backward) without applying throttle. After applying throttle, the car drives beautifully. I naturally don't apply throttle immediately when rolling the car forward down my driveway or from stationary in a car park and it is in these situations that I've noticed this.

Back in February when it was warm, it was barely noticeable each morning I used the car. I thought maybe that's something every turbo does.

However, it's now really cold in Canberra and the surging is annoyingly noticeable. I feel like I'm being shaken within the car.

The car idles fine. It drives fine. The problem does not occur when starting if the engine is warmer. Apart from this I'm completely rapped with my car.

I'll take it into Ford. However, I know they won't have a problem driving the car after I've warmed it up. They'll have to leave it for a good few hours.

Has anyone else found this and anyone got any advice (please)?

All the best,


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I get the exact same thing in my BA XR6T. When driving along the engine will surge up and down while I'm maintaining the same pressure on the accelerator, however, when accelerating it seems fine. I'm guessing it may be something to do with the throttle body or TPS causing this, but wouldn't have a clue, so am keen to see if anyone has had this problem and has found a fix.

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I get exactly the same thing in my typhoon. while maintaining the same pressure on the throttle usually between 2k - 3k rpm in third gear the engine would surge up and down for a moment or two. it used to happen in the hot and cold weather but I guess the cold weather could accentuate the problem.

since its gone in for its 15,000km service all has been fine and it hasn't occurred since. I can only assume that the tightening of inlet and exhaust manifolds could have fixed the problem?

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I have had this problem since day #1, the dealer said that he fixed it but no. I took it back again and then his advice was to rev it a bit before moving. WALOC. So after 12 months it is still the same and I expect it will not change. :original:

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I have a BF1 6speed auto & don't experience this problem. From cold it takes off with no hesitation, the same as when hot. In fact I think it's got more herbs for throttle input when the engine is cold. :original:

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