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Help.....power Steering Pump


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  • Member For: 18y 6m 11d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Ok im stuck at a mates house due to a power steering pump failure... so says the RACV guy... It whines when I rev the car and cant steer it for crap...

All I need to know is how much to replace??

Cheers Mike

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  • Member For: 18y 6m 11d
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  • Location: Melbourne, VIC

Ok heres the story... Fin work went to a mates house to pick something up.. car was normal. Chatted to him for a while at his house with the engine running in D foot on brake for approx 5-10 mins. Go to drive off and the steering wheel doesnt want to turn and a loud whining noise from the bonnet. By now im sh*tting myself. Have a look under the bonnet and all appears normal.

Call RACV when he arrives its gettin a bit dark by now.. He says its the power steering pump. So I drive it as little as possible, 2 mins to my cousins house (aint leavin my car at my mates house in Doveton after his dads car got stolen a week earlier) On the way to my cousins house the battery light comes on and steering becomes almost impossible.. thought to myself that's wierd. (Alternator not charging battery)

So I got it towed in the morning to my mechanic... He opens the bonnet and I see the large pulley thing literally hanging off the little pulley thing (I have pics dont worry) and the belt is loose and all over the place... again I SH*T myself... All could have gone much worse so I consider myself lucky (in a way)

Ford stock the small pulley and large pully as spares cost $71 for replacement...

Anyone know how this occurs judging by the pics?? IMO the large pulley's teeth that grip the smaller pulley's teeth let go and over time it ground away untill the large pulley was spinning freely on the small pulley which wasnt spining at all...

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 26d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Gladstone, Queensland

The pulley is an interferene fit with the pump itself, meaning it has to be pressed onto the pump shaft, noramally power steering pumps ge noisey due to air in the pump causing the veins and rotor to cavitate. But the pics u showed seem to indicate that the pulley itself has failed, Ive had a customer car before that shagged a pulley and belt , It was due to the harmonic balancer pulley not being pulled all the way in on the crank, this put longitudinal (standing from the front of engine, a back to front misalignment) tension on the belt, this also loaded up on the powersteering pump pulley and destroyed it. Turns out the month before one of the older mechanics did a sump and timing cover gaskets which requires the harmonic balancer to be removed. So inspect all the pulleys on all other auxilleries and tensioner and idler. What you can do buy a new pulley and press it onto the old pump and try it. But it sounds like it has damaged the pump. Cant remember the price of a pump now though.

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