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Rebuilding Zf's


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I thought the edit wasnt able to fiddle with the ZF's TCM yet??? also my car chirps second gear and its pretty much stock.... unless your car is putting out more power leading you to beleive its shifting better....then again, what do I know

your right the edit can't adjust the tcm settings

but nor can a unichip control the pcm

his shifts are altered!

The line pressures in the ZF can still be increased with just edit which is what fordboy1981 is talking about. I got it done to mine when I got my mods done.

yes but not directly!

sure you can tell the tcm your making more torque but what happens when you reach the predetermined limits in the tcm!

ooops limp????

there are ways though!

hey guys I have f6 tornado's tt zf here in bits if anyone is interested in looking at it layed across the bench in bits!

lookslike we will have upgrade bit's sooner than later!

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  • 3 weeks later...
turbotrana have looked into this

The 26 and the 32 are the same box only different internals

The 26 control module will fit straight into the 32 but the 26 programing is wrong for the 32, shift timing and shift quality will be all over the shop

Once trans edit is available then its a different story

Where do I order a 32 model from, 1ooonm from the facotry :crybaby: . Imagine what it'd take once it got a tickle.

I can remember reading a long time ago something about one of the ZF trans and that with the paddle shift fitted (doable with ours) that it actually stabs the throttal on downshifts, is this the 32 that does this or another version. The article said the version of zf trans would appear in a falcon anytime soon as it was over kill for our application.

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Where do I order a 32 model from, 1ooonm from the facotry :blink: . Imagine what it'd take once it got a tickle.

I can remember reading a long time ago something about one of the ZF trans and that with the paddle shift fitted (doable with ours) that it actually stabs the throttal on downshifts, is this the 32 that does this or another version. The article said the version of zf trans would appear in a falcon anytime soon as it was over kill for our application.

The new Jag XK has the paddle shifts and gives a throttle blip under downshift. Not sure if its on the XK, XKR or both though.

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I can remember reading a long time ago something about one of the ZF trans and that with the paddle shift fitted (doable with ours) that it actually stabs the throttal on downshifts, is this the 32 that does this or another version. The article said the version of zf trans would appear in a falcon anytime soon as it was over kill for our application.

Astons DB9 has the 6HP26 with paddle shift and blips on downshifts.

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I can remember reading a long time ago something about one of the ZF trans and that with the paddle shift fitted (doable with ours) that it actually stabs the throttal on downshifts, is this the 32 that does this or another version. The article said the version of zf trans would appear in a falcon anytime soon as it was over kill for our application.

Astons DB9 has the 6HP26 with paddle shift and blips on downshifts.

The update of the VE 6spd auto in the ute blips the throttle and is a running change on all new VE. Don't know if

it cab be retroed to existing VE's though.

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After nearly 6000km put onto the box so far Dave at Kewish did a check up on how its holding up. No surprise to him that it's in tip top shape.

that's great to hear! Forgot to ask at the time, but was the 10.92 and also is your current tune benefiting from the recent breakthough with torque tables on the ZF

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