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Ghost Story


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  • Member For: 18y 1m 10d

I wrote this in the ufo topic I didnt know there was a ghost story one

I have seen many ghosts.. I am not tellling sh*t either. everytime I have seen one it is in the twillight zone, which is in between being asleep and awake (you no how you wake up but your still basically asleep) and what happens is if a ghost is there they can put you into sleep paralization which is when you cannot move anything exept your eyes. at the time it feels like a dream but when you wake up in the morning you realise how real it was and im telling you it is the most terrifying thing you can experience beacause you can see it but cant yell or move. I am 19 now and I will not sleep in my house if no one else is home. you can laugh but it is the truth. I also have a friend who lives out at picton which is known as one of the most haunted places in aus and he has also seen some interesting things.

I have read that if you sleep on your stomach they cannot paralize you. another story is my pop died about 3 years ago I was very close with him but on the day off the funeral I had a small emergency and to go to hospital an didnt get to go. about a week later I woke up in the middle of the night with a big black figure standing over me and I couldnt yell move nothing, but the thing that was scary was the it was black and from what ive read black is supposed to be bad.. so I dont know if it was my pop cause didnt have a bad bone in his body

when he was alive he also told me of a house that he lived in and through the night they could hear the cupboards being opened and cups dropped and when they would wake up in the morning the cofee and sugar and cups would be moved around in the end they found out that a guy had died there and they figured he was just moving everything around to how he liked it. so from what ive experienced I beleive 100%

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The scientists and academics have done this one to death, check out "The Scole Group" and the cognitive sciences laboritory at the Stanford Research Institute.

Quite simple really, consciousness is energy. 1st law of thermodynamic energy, it cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change from one form to another.

Guess we are all gonna find out the real truth one day.

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  • Big Gun
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Yeah man like when I was pulling bongs I like totally saw a ghost man.. owe wait.... man it was like the smoke from the bong man... :bum:

:roflmbo: That's some funny sh1t!

Anyway, I'm not sure sure if I believe in ghosts or not. I've seen and heard some weird things in the night so I guess there probably is something out there. I love the feeling of being scared though. Ya just gotta get amongst it sometimes.

It certainly does freak me out reading these stories at 1:30 in the morning though................I love it!

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 5d
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It certainly does freak me out reading these stories at 1:30 in the morning though................I love it!

Yeah me too!

Big AL

Edited by Dagabond
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