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Ghost Story


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These are the type of stories that would really creep out a dope smoker :w00t2:

Yeah man like when I was pulling bongs I like totally saw a ghost man.. owe wait.... man it was like the smoke from the bong man... :stupid:

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Those are some freaky stories...especially the one about tmacs son, talking to a bloke named 'chook'. Totally blows my mind sh*t like that. Especially when it involves young children who are mindfully oblivious to supernatural events, ghosts, etc. Scary. We have to think too, this universe is infinite. We cant be the only species that exist, can we? :w00t2:

OPEN UP your MINDS PPL!!!! haha.

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Yeah man like when I was pulling bongs I like totally saw a ghost man.. owe wait.... man it was like the smoke from the bong man... :blink:



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Seriously now..

there has to be something beyond the grave. My daughter has been "communicating" since my father died in 1997, she was about 3 then . Dad will turn up in my "dreams" with a very distinct message.. Funny thing is he hated this stuff.. lol.

I have had encounters as well. nothing upsetting or scary.


"Ghosts in History

Ghost stories date back to before even the Common Era. In the Biblical account of the Witch of Endor, King Saul of Israel has the witch conjure up the ghost of the prophet Samuel to consult with him on his precarious situation. The prophet's spirit gives the king no assistance, but rebukes him and foretells his doom instead.


Belief in ghosts can be traced back as far as 2,000 B.C. This first record of a ghost comes from the Babylonian story The Epic of Gilgamesh, and is etched in clay tablets. The story tells of the hero Gilgamesh and the ghost of his dead friend, Enkidu. "

good read here


maybe the cavemen had no issues to resolve :w00t2:


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about a year ago I had a dream about my uncle and he was beeing mad at me for not doing something. I hadnt seen my uncle for some time as we had grown apart. I woke up and felt really sad and couldnt stop crying. My girlfiend freaked out and asked why I was crying but I didnt know why I was crying I just felt sad. When my girlfiend went to have a shower I could have sworn I felt someone else in the room and felt them leave shortly after. My girlfiend and I got dressed and went up town to go shopping. While shopping I recieved a phone call from my mother to say my uncle had passed away early in the morning from cancer. Freaky yes. I still feel bad to this day as I never got to see my uncle before he passed away.

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I used to be freaked when I knew someone had died in a place I was staying in until I visited some places where MILLIONS had died under duress like WWII battlegrounds/ death camps and even stayed in apartments where people had been executed. In Europe, if everyone who died under violent circumstances returned from the spirit world, there wouldn't be enough room for all the ghosts!

Whilst there must be something to all this ghosty stuff, I think the human mind is by far the strongest factor.

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Just thought I'd add my own story to the mix... Apparently strange things happen in NZ too.

When I was 10 I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an old man dressed in white, hunched over walking down the hallway past my bedroom. I naturally proceeded to s**t myself and lay awake for the rest of the night terrified. In the morning I went into my parents room and told them that we had a burglar in the house. I was adamant that we had been robbed but couldn't find anything missing. I saw the same man on two other occasions in the same circumstances over the next couple of years.

When we moved out of the house (when I was about 14) I was having a chat with the old man and he admitted to me that him and my mum had always heard footsteps walking up and down the hallway and would never get up at night to go the the bathroom. He also told me that one night he woke up feeling like he was being strangled and when he looked up, there was an old man dressed in white with a hunched back sitting on the end of his bed looking at him. He also told of chills (which I also experienced) when opening the door into the hallway. Thank f**k he didn't tell me this when I was living there!!

Anyway, after doing renovations to the house, not another peep was heard (or seen) and the weird feelings went away too. I don't believe in an afterlife and am the most anti-religious person you would meet but I constantly contradict myself everytime I think about what I saw.

Oh and 245T, I had the same repeat dream but with the oldman and trying to yell but nothing came out and I couldn't run away either... It also stopped once I shifted house.


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