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Hot New Flatmate


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Do you really need a flatmate ie; do you need the $$$$? Can you afford to throw it all away thinking with the wrong head? And possibly get a bad rep for being a rapist and possibly not ever getting a respectable flatmate ever?

Be the nice guy, clean up after yourself (im not saying that you dont already), but if she see's a nice guy who is great to live with, can cook up a super feed, doesnt leave 7 week old pizza on the couch you might attract her in the right ways. Or possibly one of her friends at a BBQ no doubt you'll be hosting at her/your house warmer. :spoton:

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my current flatmate is moving out and she referred on some work colleague to take her spot. I met her friday and she wants to move in. Problem is that Im single and I find her quite attractive. I have nfi if she is single, but suspect she is.

Do flatmates often end up hooking up? Anyone comment from experience or know of mates whove ended up shacking up with their flatmate? Im keen to hear ppl's stories.

I know of at least two couples that started off in this manner. Both couples are now married close to 20 years each couple has three children. Both couples clain that there was no initial attration and they, '...grew on each other'.

In short it can work.

However, why not just ask the girl out?



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  • nutter
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id say try not to get too involved if anything does happen... my housemate let his missus move in our place, and they fight and fight, all hours of the morning...

but as was said, if she is into you, and vice versa, after a night on the drink that knock on the door could happen for her to "talk" about how things are going in her life (ive had this with a few of the chicks whom friends with housemates missus) and things can just go on from there, and if your the listener to them, even if somthing happens, it shouldnt get weird because they will think of you as a good person.

but if anything of the above doesnt happen... im sure that she will have some hot friends!

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my opinion.....


things ge too weird if it goes to sh*t, and besides, if you sit back and let it be, she might come in handy for the hotty friends mentioned above, you touch her, and its goodbye to god knows how many untapped talented friends.....

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But then again in saying that I know how tempeted you must be!

See one of my ex's had a awsome flatemate she had the best body ever and one night I was around there and just having a few drinks killn time and just flirting with her till the gf came home, and then next thing I knew I was in the shower getting the best ever :bj: of my life from her, Ended up braking up with my gf at the time and dating her flatmate :stupid:

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I would say DONT let her move in as it will control most of your life.

Items like bills & cleaning will become a huge issue as you wont have the ability to negotiate due to the POWER of the Putang.

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