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Federal Budet 07


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the budget will do exactly as the government wanted, it will bring some popular news coverage whilst helping people forget the term "workplace reforms" for at least a few weeks......

I'm sure the hundreds who have lost their jobs under this intelligent "reform" will appreciate the fact they have an extra $14 a week to help pay the mortgage..... lucky interest rates havnt risen lately.....oh crap, they have :greyscare:

its all good to offer the everyman a tax cut and rave about how we are "setting up our future", but seriously......there will never be a GST in australia.....

believe what you will :slap:

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howards nothing like george bush mate,

if labour was in they would have gone to war in iraq too, as did the LABOUR GOVERNMENT in the UK with tony blair.

You only say hes a little george bush because of the iraq war, which was pretty much a must for australia, who the hell are we going to rely on to protect ourselves if all hell breaks loose? new zealand?

if something isnt done soon every one will be working for peanuts or have no gob at all, Australia is on the decline as it is job wise so if all hell broke loose it wouldnt change much any way

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the budget will do exactly as the government wanted, it will bring some popular news coverage whilst helping people forget the term "workplace reforms" for at least a few weeks......

I'm sure the hundreds who have lost their jobs under this intelligent "reform" will appreciate the fact they have an extra $14 a week to help pay the mortgage..... lucky interest rates havnt risen lately.....oh crap, they have :blink:

its all good to offer the everyman a tax cut and rave about how we are "setting up our future", but seriously......there will never be a GST in australia.....

believe what you will :blink:

it kinda suucks now that the boss has some say as well... I mean its ok for the worker to go find something better behind the bosses back and then come back to tell him that his leaving as he found the same job paying $10K more.... leaving the boss high and dry to look for a new worker.... but geez if the boss finds someone to do the job for less and then offers you less to keep your job we all cry blue murder....... gotta love those unions ay :spoton:

I also remember the QLD state LABOUR govt saying the we will NOT pay anymore for electricity (this was said in 2005) but look what happened.....

my point being... they all lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes LABOUR included

Edited by jetute
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and just for those queenslanders... when the liberals proposed a new dam in QLD who opposed it????????????????? Yes ladies and gentlemen... it was our very own, very knowledgeable MR Rudd!!!!!!!!!!

oh but that's ok as we forget these thing over the years!! his just a great bloke who has never farked anything up ay?? lol

and look where the south east is with water now........fark ay, I guess we can blame the libs for that as well ay??

Edited by jetute
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  • loitering with intent
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if something isnt done soon every one will be working for peanuts or have no gob at all,

Sorry, but that statement is simply ignorant in the extreme :spoton:

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  • Get on the end of it.....
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is happening every where more and more non australians getting shipped in to work for less $. Some of the bigger companys around here have got about 400 workers and 35% are australians :spoton:

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  • Iconoclast
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We are in an unprecedented boom period, but then so is the rest of the western world...

Any monkey could have steered thier country to prosperity on the back of china and south east asia's economic growth...

Our so called leaders are patting themselves on the back for credit that unfortunatley is due to a communist leader..

As soon as China slows, we will slow with it... A perfect opportunity though to steal resources from those less fortunate.. And we are accomplice to that theft........

I personally would like to see the unions disappear of the planet.. As I only ever get paid based on my performance..

Same when I was a subby... Work hard get rewarded, bludge, suffer......

Now I will sit out of this one..!!

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Yes that is deffitly true. With out labour in power the unions will never have any power(Thanks little Johnny)

I hope based on THAT statement, that the labour government NEVER gets back into power.

IF it does, mark my words, they will not change much in the area of workplace reforms because it is working.

We have recors LOW unemployment, there are not 100,000's of people out of work, there are 10,000's of job waiting for employees.

The reason we are shipping in overseas labour is because the available workers either wont do menial jobs like stacking shelves or pumping gas and expect to start in middle management or they are getting paid to surf and are dole bludgers.

It is funny that people think JH is a puppet of GWB, but I do not see many similarities than christ as GWB is a complete moron. JH is a strong leader who sometimes has very conservative views, but he does stick to his views.

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I dont know much about politics, neither a Liberal or Labour man. Being in the Defence Force, I vote Liberal, as they look after the Defence Force, no suprise we all vote for the guy who will look after us the most.

I will ask, does anyone think we would not have gone into IRAQ if Labour were in Power (reguardless of the motive)?


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