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Changing The Wastegate Actuator


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you should upgrade your fuel pump aswell... I am running pretty much the same mods as you intend to and am making 325 rwkw I am still on the stock fuel pump and I am pretty sure that it is at its limit

I'm running 331 with stock fuel pump little bit more :laughing:

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I didn't think you could use a bleed valve to raise boost presure on the XRT due to the PCM going into limp mode?

It will, but Edit will fix this.

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The idea of the higher psi wastegate is to help maintain a flat boost response/curve.

For example, mine and many others run say, 14psi then at 5000rpm or so it drops down to 12psi. This is due to the spring in the actuator not being strong enough to keep the exhaust pressure from pushing the flapper closed and losing boost.

A 15psi accuator, will let you run a MINUMUM of 15psi, and hold the flapper closed for higher boost., so choose your accuator to suit what boost level you want to run as you can always go higher, but cant go lower.

So, say a car with 300 is running 14psi then its dropping to 12 ( it is infact producing the 300kws on 12psi not 14 ), once you change the acctuator for a 14psi (or 15 ) it will hold boost at 14 all the way to redline and thus now be making its max power on 14psi instead of 12, so gaing you more power in the top end... 300 should now be more like 320 or so once tuned to suit

Some great info here to be sure, but I'm still not certain I've got a complete handle on the concept.

For example as I understand it, a 12psi actuator would hold not less than 12psi, and be able to open the wastegate above that, to maintain some higher level of boost, but how much higher? Or is the only reliable boost level that can be maintained for a 12psi actuator in fact only 12psi?

To clarify, it seems that the idea is to use an actuator as close as possible to your planned max boost, but not going over right? ie you'd maybe use a 12 psi actuator if running 15psi, but not a 15psi actuator if you only wanted to run 12psi.

Again, if using say a 12psi actuator, what sort of higher boost level could you expect to be maintained with a well controlled boost curve?

I think I need to research the wastegate system for the XR6T/F6 some more. I thought the flapper opened to bleed boost, and maintain the desired boost. Is that wrong?

If someone can point in the right direction, that'd be great. I have much to learn.

Edited by Spruce
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  • 2 weeks later...
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All these replies have been about the waste gate actuaor only. My understanding of this mod is that having the gate itself ported aswell is part and parcel of the upgrade. Am I right in asuming that or can the actuator itself be upgraded without having to port the gate. I'm asking as I too am leaning towards this mod, but as we all know cost does play a major factor . Please clarify?

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I had my wastegate ported last week while the turbo was off. I think it just helps the flapper seat properly. We are not talking a whole lot either, just a couple of mm. I also got a 12.5lb actuator and am holding 17-15psi accross the board. Like I said before, good mod for the bucks if you want consistency.

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  • 2 months later...
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Is it possible to do this mod with the turbo in the engine bay ??? Or do you need to turbo out ??? And can you do it yourself ???

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Accuator can be changed on the car, but only if you've got little girlie fingers ha

Wastegate can only be modified when the turbo is off the car.

Cat first though.

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Accuator can be changed on the car, but only if you've got little girlie fingers ha

Wastegate can only be modified when the turbo is off the car.

Cat first though.

Cat first ?????

The reason I ask is..............

Went to see Simon at XFT to get a custom tune. Had loaded generic tunes from the flash box with well, no results.......felt sh*t in otherwords. So here I am watching the dyno run at Simon hits the gas.....158kw......now here I am ( with my little known mechanical experience ) saying to myself, that's not right.....then Simon says those words you hate to hear... "You've got no boost"

Turns out the split pin (on the wastegate I think) has broken and fallen off causing the boost to flow out ( where I can't quite remember ) but as it's a warranty issue, Ford are going to fix it for me... =)

So if, and when Ford remove the Turbo, is there anything I need to do before they put it back in ????

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