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Beat An Xr6t Auto Very Easily.


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The 8's are pretty quick, but I havent run againts one in my BFXR6T that I havent done.

What sort of ambient temperature are you running in. makes an unbelieveable difference to the turbo. Middle of the Day up here in north queensland my car goes nowhere fast

yea ive noticed in hot weather my car has nothing...but sayin that I havent come against an xr8 or ss that I havent accounted 4...only time they pass is wen I bak off to slow down...usually I pull bout 2car lengths on em but does depend on how long we go for on our private road....lol

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I was using 98 ron, I donno what the other guy was using...

The temp was pretty cold, probably about 10 degrees...

I would have bought a turbo, the V8 ute definitely doesn't have the handling like my old turbo sedan, but the price was a definitely feature!

however I do love the sound and the instant power does make it more fun in my opinion over the T.

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  • Iconoclast
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To be perfectly honest there is never usually car lenghts in it, wheelspin, drivers, bog down, bad jumps, didnt know he was racing all come into it and often it is 100th of a second one way or another to 80, or one party could still be wheelspining and torque steering way past 100...

Generally, who street races anyway???


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  • Iconoclast
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Damn right Judd, but who was that XR8 on the cruise with us?? He had a really high diff in it and he stayed easily with the blonkphoon, up until half way through third at which time he disappeared miserably in my rear view.......

He claimed he ran 12's.. I wonder how as his top speed seemed to be around the tonnish mark, maybe 10k more.....

(this folks I might add is when the poon finds its feet properly)

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To be perfectly honest there is never usually car lenghts in it, wheelspin, drivers, bog down, bad jumps, didnt know he was racing all come into it and often it is 100th of a second one way or another to 80, or one party could still be wheelspining and torque steering way past 100...

Generally, who street races anyway???


he was trying, he got no wheelspin, he was stalling it up, he would leave the line at the same time as me AND I confirmed the outcome over 6 or so separate runs. I however was getting wheelspin. Who street races? well clearly I do and since I joined this forum way back when it started, pretty much everyone else on here.

Look guys, I'm not here is sh!t stir, I just thought I would share my surprise with you. I was expecting the 8 to be slower, but in this situation it clearly wasn't.


Edited by fordboy1981
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