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The Time Has Finally Come.


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I've had my custom tune done by HP-F a few months ago... Mods are just 2nd cai. I cant fault the tune at all... I ended up with only 227rwkw and they told me my valve springs are what are limmiting me atm... then jectors etc..... the list goes on. I have experienced valve float and the ruff idle as symptoms so FOR ME, they were spot on...

Michael sorry to hear man... goodluck with whoever tunes your car next...

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Mike just decided to come around and sus out a few things..

Data logger showed this.. Now if you understand a BA motor, you know what wrong...

Time for a headsex tune..

110.89 20 20.82 0.781 2261 28.96 0.544 -1.17
110.87 26 26.20 0.822 2941 29.82 0.513 -1.24
110.78 33 29.31 0.963 3734 20.84 0.567 0.77
110.56 34 21.05 1.335 3948 9.4 0.592 5.30
110.22 34 8.25 1.807 4257 6.75 0.641 11.88
109.91 34 1.46 2.097 4699 6.69 0.734 15.27
109.39 34 1.92 2.050 5039 7.13 0.830 15.04
108.87 34 1.53 2.038 5368 8.03 0.860 15.23
108.38 34 -1.59 2.009 5675 8.63 0.860 16.79
108.00 34 1.14 2.033 5480 -0.38 0.857 15.43
107.86 34 -3.77 2.298 4271 6.57 0.630 17.89
108.10 34 -4.16 2.213 4376 6.58 0.648 18.08
108.56 34 -0.26 2.102 4513 6.65 0.673 16.13
108.98 34 1.38 2.083 4656 6.81 0.713 15.31
109.96 34 -0.57 2.073 4792 6.76 0.758 16.29
110.80 34 1.46 2.058 4946 6.83 0.791 15.27
111.67 34 -1.35 2.054 5089 6.95 0.819 16.68
112.63 34 -0.18 2.078 5221 7.33 0.860 16.09
113.66 34 -0.18 2.067 5353 7.32 0.860 16.09
114.78 34 -1.20 2.081 5538 7.83 0.860 16.60
115.95 34 -1.27 2.048 5563 7.69 0.860 16.64
116.84 34 0.83 2.032 5715 8.19 0.860 15.58
118.72 34 -1.67 2.025 5782 8.36 0.860 16.83
120.28 34 -1.74 2.086 5141 -0.16 0.786 16.87
121.91 34 -5.57 2.287 4600 5.85 0.666 18.78
123.66 34 -5.41 2.250 4549 5.72 0.684 18.71
125.46 34 -2.76 2.128 4592 5.82 0.702 17.38

Mike can now tell the world how my tune drives in comparison (running less boost as well)... (dyno sheets to follow tuesday or wednesday when we put it on for fine tuning)

Edited by Dagabond
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Look at the column "SPARK ADVANCE", 6 - 8 degree's timing, not enough timing for the boost it was making, I pulled the boost down to a more realiable 15psi, and obviously put more timing into it, and well.. Mike will tell you by his "seat of the pants" feel he has until we put it onto the dyno this week sometime..


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after reading this thread for ages, its nice to hear some good news.....

nice work Danny :roflmbo:

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After looking at the before and after results, to illustrate the difference for you guys, its like going from a stock XR6T to having an edit with custom tune, there is that much in it. Shows you that although you can make the power on a dyno, but its not a true measure of the cars performance. You will find that the car now will use less fuel, and be downright quicker at all points of the rev range. Another great tune by Headsex...You really got to change that name Danny :roflmbo:

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I'm guessing he's too busy driving the thing at the moment to post any of the results. I wonder how many more cars out there are tuned like this with so much more potential in them.

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