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Ih8toads' "whatever" Cruise Perth


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Yeah met at the plex. Was a good fun cruise. That track in the hills was a bit of fun. Great to put faces to names. Oh and I cought more rocks than I realised.

Edited by IEATV8S
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Yeah met at the plex. Was a good fun cruise. That track in the hills was a bit of fun. Great to put faces to names. Oh and I cought more rocks than I realised.

You bloody should have brought ya car onto the track mate!

When we were all cruising back my car kept getting stuck in 3rd, I was in drive and when I would flat stick it, it would kick down, then I would take my foot off the throttle it wouldnt kick back down to a lower gear

Does anyone know what's up? OH and also, I cuaght a bolt or something in my front right tyre yesterday, had to change it to the spare this morning before work :spoton:, when I got back I changed it to the back so now my car looks totally burnout.

I'm not having very much luck these days :spoton:

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You bloody should have brought ya car onto the track mate!

When we were all cruising back my car kept getting stuck in 3rd, I was in drive and when I would flat stick it, it would kick down, then I would take my foot off the throttle it wouldnt kick back down to a lower gear

Does anyone know what's up? OH and also, I cuaght a bolt or something in my front right tyre yesterday, had to change it to the spare this morning before work :spoton:, when I got back I changed it to the back so now my car looks totally burnout.

I'm not having very much luck these days :spoton:

My dirty fuel just cost me $830. Jeppers, better not happen again. I'm just crossing my fingers that it doesn't lean out on the dyno anymore, it doesn't feel like it had more poke atm. Grrr.

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You bloody should have brought ya car onto the track mate!

When we were all cruising back my car kept getting stuck in 3rd, I was in drive and when I would flat stick it, it would kick down, then I would take my foot off the throttle it wouldnt kick back down to a lower gear

Does anyone know what's up? OH and also, I cuaght a bolt or something in my front right tyre yesterday, had to change it to the spare this morning before work :welcome2:, when I got back I changed it to the back so now my car looks totally burnout.

I'm not having very much luck these days :welcome2:

you have to watch out having a rim and a spare on the back as it puts alot of pressure on the diff.. this is why the normal looking spare is limited to 80kph

if you are worried about it I can lend you another burnout tyre for the back (legal tread) to take the stress off the diff. pm me if you like!

sorry I couldn't make it too the cruise, was having a lil trouble clanging the clutch fluid, didn't pay enough attention the 1st time so it took a coupla hours!!

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 22d
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Yeah met at the plex. Was a good fun cruise. That track in the hills was a bit of fun. Great to put faces to names. Oh and I cought more rocks than I realised.

u loved the stones I flicked at u :spoton:

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