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Ih8toads' "whatever" Cruise Perth


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Didn't realise there was racing on this sun. Might race myself. What does everyone think of starting the cruise from the motorplex leaving about 2pm. That way for those of u that want can watch ben and I show all the jap cars a thing or 2 b4 the cruise (racing starts 11am) or ppl can sleep in very late and give the likes of people like luke (hiddeous) the chance to make it from other commitments. Also I think most of the ppl going on the cruise are from SOR so kwinana would make an ideal place, especially for all the rocko boys :roflmbo:

Whatever time everyone agrees to, I really dont mind. As long as it isnt earlier becuase then I'll be at work

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I'm so pi44ed about my fuel system that I can't even think about chicks. Well lets change it to the plex then, youngy was basically the one that started the idea and he wants to race, so its sounds like a goer. Either meet there after racing or come and watch.

YOUNGY will give the details of new meet times / location within plex etc.

Sorry Ninka I feel pretty rude now since you're always a regular and put in a big effort to keep the WA members together. If you want I'll go to Dubai and you can go on the cruise :)

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Ok well new cruise details.. more of a drag day follwed by cruise

WHERE: Kwinana Motorplex, spectator car park (look for all the xr6t's)

WHEN: Sunday 6th May

Racing starts at 11am (Either race or come as cheer squad)

Cruise departs 2pm sharp from spectator carpark

The cruise route will remain the same apart from we will take the freeway to roe hwy to welshpool rd.

If there is anybody else who would like to race before the cruise ben and I will be at the plex approx 10:30am. It's just your normal $40 entry, very similar to weds apart from after a few practise runs it is DYO with chance of prizes. Hopefully we can get a bit of a showing of t's running down the strip.

Weathers looking good, should be a great day :roflmbo:

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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So what, we're all sheep now??

Ben's going to the drags, let's all go to the drags?? Bens' banging Toads' mum, why don't we all bang ............................................ oh. hang on, everyone is


I don't mind either way?? I'll catch up if everyone meets North, or I'll c u @ the pub.

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  • Member For: 22y 2m 8d
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Sorry Ninka I feel pretty rude now since you're always a regular and put in a big effort to keep the WA members together. If you want I'll go to Dubai and you can go on the cruise :)

Don't worry about it :tease:

Have a great day guys :roflmbo:

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