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Siemens Deka 60lb Injectors Group Buy Mkii - Injector Bonanza (26 set's AND CLIMBING......)


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Well.. Due to the many requests via IM's, these injectors are still very popular. There have been a few requests to do another group buy, so heck, Why not..

60lb Siemens Deka group buy bonanza MKII

Now. If you want to see how sucessful the previous group buy was. please click [url="http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=30073"]HERE - Last Group Buy[/url]

The rules. ONLY post if your asking a question, or if your interested in purchasing by putting your name on the list.
The last Thread had it all.. [url="http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34038&st=0"]"cheap chinese copies", "Local siemens supplier source"[/url] etc.

A number of workshops australia use these SIEMENS 60lb. I believe one everyone knows is billsta's 422rwkw done by C&V.

They do not suffer IDLE problems, or PART THROTTLE problems like some people suggest they do. Americans have been using these injectors for years with no complaints. I even believe the Chev LS8 use the "stumpy" version of this injector.

These High Flow injectors have a multi-orifice tip providing a true 30 degree spray pattern for improved mixture preparation. This results in lower BSFC and better idle quality than many injectors with less flow.

1.cole trickle [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color]
2.Jimbob [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color]
3.groper x2 set's. [color="#00FF00"]PAID $885[/color]
4.Wright'y [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
5.XRT06 [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
6.Putrid frut [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
7.1stT [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
8.SCRIBR x2 set's [color="#00FF00"]PAID $870[/color]
9.NATHOON [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
10.BA_XR6Turbo_Ute [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
11.dico2020 [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color]
12.syco6 [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
14.markxr6t [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
15.neo_nick [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color]
16.fprwpn [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color]
17.EXRLNT [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color]
18.waldo185 [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color]
19.XRTank [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
20.The Nut [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
21.GreenXR6T [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
22.Terebro [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
23.Orrie [color="#00FF00"]PAID $450[/color]
24.ritzy [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color]
25.Envy-T [color="#00FF00"]PAID $435[/color] Edited by Dagabond
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[quote name='YPURV4' post='526442' date='Apr 27 2007, 04:13 PM']Hey danny i might be keen depending on the timeing of the final sale, keep me posted.[/quote]

Put your name down anyways.

This might take over a month.. Who knows

Pick up is fine. East melb after hours.

But must be paid prior to order entire lot of injectors. But don't worry about payment yet
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