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Entire Race Or Podium..?


Final laps or Podium???  

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Who even watches the podium ceremony? We tune in to watch cars race, not dorks spraying champagne at each other.

Exactly !!!!!

but then again it depends who wins.. :stirthepot:


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How many times has Bathurst been shortened because of incidents....

It's not just 7 and the footy causing it, Channel 10 used to do it all the time as well......

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  • Iconoclast
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A race

race1 /reɪs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[reys] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, raced, rac·ing.

–noun 1. a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing.

2. races, a series of races, usually of horses or dogs, run at a set time over a regular course: They spent a day at the races.

3. any contest or competition, esp. to achieve superiority: the arms race; the presidential race.

4. urgent need, responsibility, effort, etc., as when time is short or a solution is imperative: the race to find an effective vaccine.

5. onward movement; an onward or regular course.

6. the course of time.

7. the course of life or a part of life.

8. Geology. a. a strong or rapid current of water, as in the sea or a river.

b. the channel or bed of such a current or of any stream.

9. an artificial channel leading water to or from a place where its energy is utilized.

10. the current of water in such a channel.

11. Also called raceway. Machinery. a channel, groove, or the like, for sliding or rolling a part or parts, as the balls of a ball bearing.

12. Textiles. a. the float between adjacent rows of pile.

b. race plate.

–verb (used without object) 13. to engage in a contest of speed; run a race.

14. to run horses or dogs in races; engage in or practice horse racing or dog racing.

15. to run, move, or go swiftly.

16. (of an engine, wheel, etc.) to run with undue or uncontrolled speed when the load is diminished without corresponding diminution of fuel, force, etc.

–verb (used with object) 17. to run a race against; try to beat in a contest of speed: I'll race you to the water.

18. to enter (a horse, car, track team, or the like) in a race or races.

19. to cause to run, move, or go at high speed: to race a motor.

I would have thought a race started at point A and finished at point B

If a race finishes at A.5 then it is not a race at all just a wank for V8 owners....

Supercars is becoming like wrestling was in the 80's.. Theatre and bulllsh*t and money... We have cars on this site that would flog a V8 supercar... But yet we still post about a crooked sport...

Face it, one day you will come here and think political decisions are based on fact.........

V8's are finished.. let them drown in thier own vomit!!!!!!!!

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What a :censored: poor decision by channel 7!! There is no way any sporting outcome should be influenced by the TV execs that way. Take test cricket for example, never seen that shortened cause the news has to start. If they had AFL committments they should have just cut to that and let the race run it's course and plan better timewise next time. I feel bad for the competitors!


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"But all of our research shows that the fans like to see the traditional finish to the race and like to see the emotion of the winning driver up their spraying champagne around so we stuck to the format.

Cattach denied there had been pressure exerted by Network Seven to wrap up the V8s in time for AFL commitments. "We made the call, Network Seven had no say in it... we had to be off air at a certain time," he said.

they didnt show the champagne I watched the podium and I certainly dont recall it

the last quote should be "Network seven said we have to be off air at a certain time... so we made the call to piss off our supporters"

on a side note, I am starting to get over the V8's... they just arent honest anymore, as with everything politics has f*cked it!

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  • Cruise Control
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:blush: We were under no pressure...but....the Seven told us we had to be off the air at a certain time..... CATTACH!!! Listen to yourself!!! Why has my "Big Fib" meter gone off the scale?

As for V8 Slotcars....I taped it and sped through it later to catch any highlights....Im just over sitting down all, sorry...some, of the afternoon watching it!!

The debacle at the finale last year.

The HSV ownership joke.

Drivers afraid to have a decent go for fear of turning someone round and copping a drive through.

And the petty rules...things like putting a foot, an air hose or a wheelnut 50mm over the boundary line.....or failing to turn off their pitstop light!!

Huge fines for not having your roller door not quite fully open during a pit walk or turning up 5 mins late for an autograph signing session.

Drivers that are afraid to speak thier mind and tell it like it really is.... lest they incur the rath of "bringing the sport into disrepute"

V8 SCA does a good enough job of making themselves look silly just on their own.

And the one that finished me off.... a driver in Perth that copped a drive through for not using his pit lane speed limiter......he didnt exceed the 40kph limit....he just didnt use the limiter!! WTF!!

that's when it just lost me.

We'll still watch Bathurst and probably Sandown, but other than that, I just can't get interested anymore.

Sorry about the rant guys, but Ive been following Australian motor racing for more than 35 years now and Ive never seen it so sterile and artificial, just fed up with all the politics and bureaucracy.

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I agree. I have tried to watch every race for years, but last weekend, I turned on the telly, watched for 5 minutes , then gave up.

How much more evidence of cheating do they need when it just so happens that the 4 Holdens involved in the ownership/sharing scandal, are the only Holdens in the top 10 of every race and round so far. If any other Expensive Daewoo got up there, it would be fine, but these guys aren't only blocking out the Fords, but every other Expensive Daewoo as well.

To top it all off, chanel 7 gives gay fl priority for their telecast.

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