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Got Caught Hooning..


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Well, tommorow is the big day.. I go to court to find out what my punishment is a month after doing the deed.

All I can say is if you're gonna do something on the road make sure its on one of those good'ol "private roads" lol

I'm not sure how I'm going to do, ive got a clean record if that helps, the summons has no proof of what I was doing just the detectives words of 'apeared' and 'we estimate', I also got myself a lawyer and information concering my work hours,job etc etc, becuase you see if they take my lisence away ive got no way of getting to work at 3:30am in the morning..

Anyways whatever the outcome, I've learnt my lesson not to be a spur of the moment dickhead :spit:

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I am a cop in NSW and if they are cracking down anything like over here at the moment I wish you luck. We have SOPS now that say if we catch any car doing burnouts or street racing we have to impound the car. We use to have the choice to just give them a burnout ticket but now we must take their car.

Some people you feel sorry for because they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time but other 'car hoons' push us to our limit and do burnouts in fornt of us and then when we tell them that we are going to take their car they have the biggest cry to us and winge how unfair it is, and that we should be catching real criminals.

As I tell the people that I catch is I have a performance car to but there is a time and a place to do it. They often like to show off in front of their mates and the cops and they will always lose if they are trying to push our buttons.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I would rather get a hefty fine as long as it means I keep my lisence.., no lisence = no job.. no job = losing my car for good

The driver of the other car got 6 months and 200$ fine.. no lawyer and previous speeding offences.

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bout a month ago I got caught doing 110 in a sixty zone, the cops were talking bout inpounding my car and sending me to court. In the end I didn't get the summons they sent me out a fine for 1000 bucks and 6 demerit points.

I dnno what will happen depends if they want to make a example of you or if they are that backlogged with court they could just send you a fine, did they get a speed reading for what you were doing?

They make try and do you for reckless or dangerous driving not to sure.

I sympathise with you mate I learnt my lesson the hard way, hopefully they are a bit easier on you than they were me

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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ive spoken to my lawyer we read the summons together, and the cops guessed I was doing between 90 and 100 becuase they didnt get a speed reading the judge just makes the assumption that I was driving at 90 therefor its 5 k's under being reckless

so my lawyer and I have decided to go for a dangerous driving charge, which is just a fine possibly heavy with a chance of losing my lisence rather then reckless where its definent I do.

what makes me luagh is the broad line of wreckless driving, I mean ive been charged with reckless for what ive done which is minor, yet someone street racing down the freeway at more then double the posted speed (which could be up to 200) will only get charged with the same thing and loose their lisence for the same time

Gotta love it

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Good luck tomorrow mate.

We've all done stupid things its just too bad all the d**kheads out the in their VN 5 litres with mags only on the front have made the cops crackdown on everything.

The only thing you can do is learn from your mistake...

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Well if they don't have a acutual reading then you could have been doing any speed, if they are assuming that you were doing 90+ the judge should really not listen but it doesn't always work that way. Technically by w.a law they have to provide a electronic reading of your speed, If you just accelerated fast off the lights to the speed limit you need to say that to them.

If they can't prove that you were speeding it comes down to your word verses the police, plus you said you had people in the car so theorically you have a witness or two.

All I can say is be honest and up front with your statement and make sure your you know what your goin to say, Its really intimidating being in the courtroom but if you have a half decent lawyer he should really be making a good defence for and looking out for your best interests.

All else I can offer is goodluck, the only other constant with the W.A courts is that they are unpredictable

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  rhys86 said:
I am a cop in NSW and if they are cracking down anything like over here at the moment I wish you luck. We have SOPS now that say if we catch any car doing burnouts or street racing we have to impound the car. We use to have the choice to just give them a burnout ticket but now we must take their car.

Some people you feel sorry for because they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time but other 'car hoons' push us to our limit and do burnouts in fornt of us and then when we tell them that we are going to take their car they have the biggest cry to us and winge how unfair it is, and that we should be catching real criminals.

As I tell the people that I catch is I have a performance car to but there is a time and a place to do it. They often like to show off in front of their mates and the cops and they will always lose if they are trying to push our buttons.

I know its just the net but I cant believe your first 5 words. Nothing against it but wouldnt you prefer some anonyimity? And most ppl on here wont understand what SOPS are so (standard operating procedures) and your discretion applies to confiscated vehicles as it does for excessive reversing.

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