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Got Caught Hooning..


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There was also a post on here saying that only one person needs to be aware of a taped conversation – I’m not certain, but I think you would find that such evidence would be ruled inadmissible in court if both individuals were not aware of it.

Yeah I'd be careful taping any conversations, both parties need to be aware that any conversation will be recorded in any senario where there is an expectation of privacy (eg a private conversation between you and Mr Copper). However that been said Mr Copper can not request that you turn off the voice recorder if you have advised them you will be doing so as once both parties are advised of the recording it can be used as evidence.

Infact the only time you are truely in your rights to request a conversation is not recorded is if you have reasons to believe that the coversation may be broadcast on the Radio or TV.

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I think this is the biggest load of rubbish I've ever read on the internet - and that’s saying something.

no it aint, cops have lied in court with me before... they know what they can get caught for and what they cant. you are naive if you belive otherwise... for example, if your intoxicated who the magistrate going to belive, some drunk random or a pair of sober, upstanding members of the police fraternity... your word is worthless by default in this case and they know they can say or do whatever they so desire...

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Yep I'm sure all cops are just out to get you and all meet in darkened rooms so they can get their story straight just so they can nail you. What a load of :roflmbo:

I was on the recieving end of the law a few times a few years ago and in hind sight I can honestly say I deserved it every time.

Now adays I am occasionaly called as an expert witness due to my job (and no I'm not a cop) so I get to see a bit of the inside of courtroom - and I can assure you that the only people in the courtroom that are ever full of it are the defendants. It simply isn't worth the trouble for a cop to lie, and belive it or not most of the people that work in the justice system take their job seriously enough to do it properly. It does happen to innocent people, but for the most part the people who end up in court deserve to be there.

Don't break the law and you won't get busted, break the law - deal with the concequences. I admit I'm a bit of a hoon and break the speed limit - but when I get done I smile say thankyou officer, pay the fine and get on with my life.

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Firstly Cops are allowed to tape (audio and Video) conversations now in NSW with their in car video system, now fitted to most Highway patrol cars. They changed the law just for them.

I was a passenger getting a lift to pickup my car with one of my staff who is a Green P plater. He was pulled over by a cop using LIDAR. I started to record the conversation and the cop was very rude until he saw me holding a cameraphone. He said to stop recording, I told him no. He changed his tune and warned us and sent us on our way. I did ask the cop several questions about his inaccurate use of the LIDAR gun and he did not like it one bit.

I know my employee would have been booked if it was not for me recording the conversation.

I think you are right about both parties must be aware of the recordings for it to be admissable in evidence. I asked a mate who was a laywer and he said that if you do not tell the other person, you can still use it to discredit a testamony, if it shows the person is lying.

Also Your view that cops do not lie in court is flawed. I am sure many cops lie, as do the defendants. It is not a perfect world where liers are always caught, there are very few people charged with purgery.

Cops are well known to embelish the truth with exagerations, and "expert testamony", as I am sure you have seen in all your court experiences.

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Yep I'm sure all cops are just out to get you and all meet in darkened rooms so they can get their story straight just so they can nail you. What a load of :pooh:

I was on the recieving end of the law a few times a few years ago and in hind sight I can honestly say I deserved it every time.

Now adays I am occasionaly called as an expert witness due to my job (and no I'm not a cop) so I get to see a bit of the inside of courtroom - and I can assure you that the only people in the courtroom that are ever full of it are the defendants. It simply isn't worth the trouble for a cop to lie, and belive it or not most of the people that work in the justice system take their job seriously enough to do it properly. It does happen to innocent people, but for the most part the people who end up in court deserve to be there.

Don't break the law and you won't get busted, break the law - deal with the concequences. I admit I'm a bit of a hoon and break the speed limit - but when I get done I smile say thankyou officer, pay the fine and get on with my life.

So kids, cops don't lie because Beaker says so.... Right, don't insult our intelligence. :roflmbo:

Next he'll try and tell us they don't break the law either.... :stupid:

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You are putting words in my mouth - I said they don't lie under oath (and 'embelishing the truth' is a lie as far as the justice system is concerened) - it would be grossly stupid of them to do so. You guys seem to think if they get caught doing it its a slap on the wrist - belive me its not.

Regardless, I've said my bit, you guys can belive what you like - its no skin off my nose - theres always an exception to every rule and there are most certainly dirty cops, but I've certainly never seen it, and even if it did happen occasionaly I very much doubt anyone would take the risk over a minor traffic infringemnet. I think some of you may have an inflated sence of your worth :roflmbo:

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You are putting words in my mouth - I said they don't lie under oath (and 'embelishing the truth' is a lie as far as the justice system is concerened) - it would be grossly stupid of them to do so. You guys seem to think if they get caught doing it its a slap on the wrist - belive me its not.

Regardless, I've said my bit, you guys can belive what you like - its no skin off my nose - theres always an exception to every rule and there are most certainly dirty cops, but I've certainly never seen it, and even if it did happen occasionaly I very much doubt anyone would take the risk over a minor traffic infringemnet. I think some of you may have an inflated sence of your worth :blink:

all power corrupts, absolute power currupts absolutely...

how would you know if you saw a cop lie? only way is if you were there... you obviously havnt been around...

and I suppose that cop did accidently "fall" on that black fella on palm island and SPLIT HIS LIVER... coroner said his injuries were akin to car or plane crash injuries... wonder if he told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? wise up mate...

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