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Got Caught Hooning..


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Just for your information we don't have any discretion when it comes to confiscating cars or street racing. We must take the car and give the ticket, if we are found out not to have one of the above mentioned then we will get our ass kicked. Obviously you disagree with some of the laws within NSW but each to their own. Somebody has to do the job and if your unlucky enough to get caught then you must wear the punishment.

Your a taxi driver arnt you?? Or maybe a wannabe security guard? Cause what a load of :stirthepot:

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mate, these hooning laws give the police the power of descresion like never before. theyve basically given the entire punishment process bypassing the courts, to the officer at the immediate instant.... Just like the "move on" powers you acquired back in 2000 for the olympics.

YOU have the power to decide whether or not the driver of vechicle is "testing the vehicles acceleration or handling" (just some of the loose wording in the legislation) and therefore "hooning", OR, perhaps he was just driving a half decent performance car...

They made it easier for police to arrest people without a just cause by loosly worded legislation in order to achieve a goal that couldnt otherwise be achieved LEGALALLY. for the most part, because HOONING is hard to define and therefore enforce... this type of legislation would be impossible in a truely free country with sound civil and constitutional rights that sadly we lack... :spoton:

They do give us discretion I agree with that but if people above us decide to tell us to do something than our hands are tired. I agree the hooning or street racing law is very hard for us to prove and if you have a half decent lawyer then well its pretty much all over for us. Taking someones car for a burnout is alot easier because it is very clear cut and the legislation is black and white for us.

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Your a taxi driver arnt you?? Or maybe a wannabe security guard? Cause what a load of :spoton:

You can say what you like but the laws are there for a reason. How would you feel if somebody that was street racing or hooning killed somebody from your family, then you would get up the cops for not doing enough.

deal with people like you everyday have nothing good to say bout anything but when you rin trouble who do you always end up calling

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FUNNILY enough a similar thing just happened to me today,I was at the lights in a 4cyl. car and turned right at change and went for not quite a km and turned left into a petrol station for fuel.I noticed the late model Late model camira that was behind me at the lights kept fairly close and then followed me into the servo then while I was putting in fuel they drove around to front of my car and bloked me off then got and out show.d his badge(there were two cops)HE said do I know the speed limit and was there a reason I was speeding .I said I wasnt aware I was and that the red light for low fuel was on (true) and I was watching that.He asked twice more if there was a reason for my speeding ( as if to get admittance from me that I WAS ).He then said to go and pay my fuel bill while I leave him with with my drivers licence and he would take my details to send me in the mail a warning notice for my driving behaviour.I dont think he appreciated it when I said I will stay with my license untill he was finished with it .

He said the only reason I wasnt getting a speeding ticket was becuase he didnt have an infringment notice book and didnt have time to go get one.Is this the latest directive to officers/detctives in unmarked cars.?

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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They do give us discretion I agree with that but if people above us decide to tell us to do something than our hands are tired. I agree the hooning or street racing law is very hard for us to prove and if you have a half decent lawyer then well its pretty much all over for us. Taking someones car for a burnout is alot easier because it is very clear cut and the legislation is black and white for us.

Yeah just as easy as street racing, speed and manner dangerous, but you still dont have too. Where in the legislation is this bit written?

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I Nsw, and wollongong in particular, there are a growing amount of unmarked cop cars, and they rent what u would expect. I no of several, from personal experience, there is an XR8 falcon, with grey GT stripes, and a blue magna/380, and if I am not mistaken, a Late model camira and XR6 turbo, ha not safe to speed anywhere, but perhaps that is the point, so look out for the two leds in front windscreen and rear window

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I'm an old grandma on the roads at the moment, specially with the rough weather we're having haha.

Cant bloody trust them, they drive around in dark blue Wrx's in rocko, the LED's are under the front bumper

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The reason being is cops CAN and WILL lie in court to get you convicted.

I think this is the biggest load of rubbish I've ever read on the internet - and that’s saying something.

If a cop is convicted of perjury in court - its pretty much the end of his/her career - do you honestly think any cop is going to think your measly indiscretion is worth their career? :roflmbo:

There was also a post on here saying that only one person needs to be aware of a taped conversation – I’m not certain, but I think you would find that such evidence would be ruled inadmissible in court if both individuals were not aware of it.

The police have certain freedoms when it comes to this, but even they need to apply for a magistrates ruling before they can tape someone without their knowledge for evidentiary purposes.

Most cops have the ‘A’ rule – give them attitude and they’ll go out of their way to make your life unpleasant. If you get caught doing something dumb – just accept it, you are going to cop a punishment, arguing about it will more then likely make it worse – if you honestly think you’ve been hard done by – accept whatever the cop says (without making an admission) and then argue it in court – that’s what courts are for, and you have a much better chance of winning an argument with a magistrate when you are prepaired, then you do standing in the cold on the side of a road with a cop.

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