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Got Caught Hooning..


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  • e-drifter
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mate, these hooning laws give the police the power of descresion like never before. theyve basically given the entire punishment process bypassing the courts, to the officer at the immediate instant.... Just like the "move on" powers you acquired back in 2000 for the olympics.

YOU have the power to decide whether or not the driver of vechicle is "testing the vehicles acceleration or handling" (just some of the loose wording in the legislation) and therefore "hooning", OR, perhaps he was just driving a half decent performance car...

They made it easier for police to arrest people without a just cause by loosly worded legislation in order to achieve a goal that couldnt otherwise be achieved LEGALALLY. for the most part, because HOONING is hard to define and therefore enforce... this type of legislation would be impossible in a truely free country with sound civil and constitutional rights that sadly we lack... :spoton:

Very true,

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  • Crusty aviator
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Pause and think a second or two.....

As the driver of the vehicle under suspicion you are the last one to judge whether or not you have been hooning.

If others judge you to be driving in an abnormal or threatening manner, including law enforcement agencies, that judgement is far more likely to be a reasonable basis for action.

No one and I mean no one has the God given right to make others feel uncomfortable or threatened in any way on our roads by exhibiting selfish, or stupid behaviour, likely to influence the thinking or behaviour of others.

A car is nothing more than a mode of transport from point A to point B - it is not a way of expressing your repressed character faults.

140 in a 60 - get a life and find another forum.


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I would have thought that a majority of hoon law charges are not laid during the day.. I drive differently in traffic on the way to work than I do when on a cruise. doesn't everyone?

when only surrounded by performance cars and enthusiasts, isn't there much less risk then when you are sharing the roads with trucks etc? taking off from the lights and going round corners that little bit faster when it is evident that every car is still well within its limits is not so dangerous is it?

140 in a 60 zone is not something that I would be doing at any time, but I'd say the poster has changed his attitude since then..

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FO... your not welcome here.............

Think this is a little Harsh.

Maybe I dont fully understand the definition of Hoon. If its someone who regularly goes out of his way to put peoples lives at risk and drive dangerously and is this guy then, maybe you are justified.

I like to drive hard where safe. In the hills or quiet country roads. I agree 60 zones is not the go. However if I were to be caught and could be labeled a hoon. Would I get told to..FO from the forums.

I am a 36 year old and never been caught doing the wrong thing. Except the odd camera fine. Maybe lucky or good management. I do love a hoon in the right place however.

Lets hope he has learnt his lesson and by being on the forums may learn something from the older heads. His fines would have paid for a few track days or petrol to more remote areas to have fun.

I say hang around. Enjoy the forums. Do the right thing in populated areas.

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  • 12" member
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that's the whole problem with the term hoon and the associated hoon laws - there is no set definition and everything is open to the officers opinion and judgement on the day.

for example ;

"Testing the acceleration of the vehicle" - could this be any broader in scope!!! I mean if im flooring it (assuming under the limit at all times and no wheelspin) in my phoon im not testing the acceleration because ive owned it for a farken year and I know exactly how fast it is, I am merely accelerating faster than the average hyundai but slower than the average ferrari - where does the benchmark stand???

a cop could either see this and think "sh*t that's a slow hyundai" , or he could see it and think "hes going a lot faster than that POS hyundai next to him, hes obviously racing!!"

as for the 140 in a 60, stupid yes but no one here is innocent when it comes to the strictest interpretation of the hoon laws - remember revving to more than 4000rpm before changing could be deemed testing the acceleration because a gear change could easily be made at 2000rpm...

ive been done for 92 in a 60 which at 1st sounds stupid and dangerous, but when you realise it was in a 100kph freeway roadworks zone at 8pm on a sunday night with no work going on and no obstructions or cars on the road it doesnt sound so bad..

from my experience with the law I'd like to hope that at least 90% of incidents would be fairly dealt with but there are always going to be a few gung ho's that will be unfair and extreme.. but that's the same everywhere and every industry

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if you do 140 in a 60 in a built up area then you deserve to get reamed... but that's not how it happened to this poor lad who started the thread.... all he did was give it a bit of stick with his mate up to the legal speed limit... so what?

if they were so worried about safety and not revenue, why is it illegal to not wear a seatbelt, yet completely legal to ride a motorbike without a seatbelt? and why do we have speed limits, when you can buy a 1000cc road bike straight off the show room floor that will do more than any legal speedlimit in the country in first gear let alonw over 300kph flat out... why not ban the sale before it has a chance to become a problem?

they would go broke without all the fine revenue...

"do you believe the lies or critically analyse" - john butler trio

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  • e-drifter
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Yeah I feel for the guy that started the thread, but try owning a import (or several) and just going for a cruise and get pulled over for doing nothing wrong and get stupid fines for having a pod filter, or some other petty sh*t, anyway its all revenue...

My 2c

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