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Got Caught Hooning..


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bout a month ago I got caught doing 110 in a sixty zone, the cops were talking bout inpounding my car and sending me to court. In the end I didn't get the summons they sent me out a fine for 1000 bucks and 6 demerit points.

I dnno what will happen depends if they want to make a example of you or if they are that backlogged with court they could just send you a fine, did they get a speed reading for what you were doing?

They make try and do you for reckless or dangerous driving not to sure.

I sympathise with you mate I learnt my lesson the hard way, hopefully they are a bit easier on you than they were me

faaaaaaark $1000 !!!!! I got done for 114 in a 70 about a year ago and got $350 and 6 points.. the points were a killer cause I got a 3 pointer a couple of weeks before doing an illegal u turn towards a servo cause I had a flat tyre... farkers even took their time so the tyre was 100% flat by the time thge paperwork was done, didnt let me drive the 30-40m to the servo to do it....

I passed the attitude test with flying colours as well hahaha..

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Anyways whatever the outcome, I've learnt my lesson not to be a spur of the moment dickhead :censored:

This is the best thing I've read in 5 pages of posts.....

Good luck I hope it all works out appropriately for all concerned. :crybaby:

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Well I went to court today.. my lawyer managed to get the charged downgraded, so it was only a dangerous driving charge. the Judge was a nice guy and took everything to account like my clean record and my job etc.

I've been hit with a 500$ fine, NO LOSS OF LICENSE.

A big thanks to all the guys on here telling me to get a lawyer and get details for everything I can, it has worked out for the absoloute best.

And to everyone who likes to have a bit of fun on the roads, remember theres a time and place for everything. if you're gonna do it, the middle of knowhere is a good place to start :stupid:

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Gotta be pretty happy with the result :roflmbo:

If you dont mind me asking, what'd the lawyer end up costing ??

You ended up better off than your mate too. :stupid:

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Gotta be pretty happy with the result :roflmbo:

If you dont mind me asking, what'd the lawyer end up costing ??

You ended up better off than your mate too. :stupid:

600$, so its a total cost of 1100$, which in my eyes is well worth it rather then loosing my license (and my job)

he got the 6 months loss, goes to show what a good lawyer and a clean record can get you :roflmbo:

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  • Sucker
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Expensive lesson, but it could have been worse! Good stuff :stupid:

Unfortunately if there is a next time you no longer have that clean record :roflmbo:

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you can take a deep breathe and resume normal heart rate now :spoton: .

like you have stated you've learnt your lesson and all the more a little wiser congrats on your outcome, prolly best to keep the high speed and fast launches to the race tracks

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600$, so its a total cost of 1100$, which in my eyes is well worth it rather then loosing my license (and my job)

he got the 6 months loss, goes to show what a good lawyer and a clean record can get you :hmmm:

Congrats on the good result :spoton:

The disparity between your fine and your mates hardly seems fair though, I bet he's rapted :blink:

I assume he has a pretty average driving record, as an Armani clad Lawyer that probably only stated the obvious shouldn't in all fairness make that much of a difference.

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I know its just the net but I cant believe your first 5 words. Nothing against it but wouldnt you prefer some anonyimity? And most ppl on here wont understand what SOPS are so (standard operating procedures) and your discretion applies to confiscated vehicles as it does for excessive reversing.

Just for your information we don't have any discretion when it comes to confiscating cars or street racing. We must take the car and give the ticket, if we are found out not to have one of the above mentioned then we will get our ass kicked. Obviously you disagree with some of the laws within NSW but each to their own. Somebody has to do the job and if your unlucky enough to get caught then you must wear the punishment.

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