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Got Caught Hooning..


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hi there mate sorry to here you got done!!! I would think you will prob get done with reckless driving or dangerous driving what will be 3 months and a fine.. dont worry 3 months goes pritty quick I just got mine back for points.. good luck in court mate!!

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You wouldn't be including any of the wonderful moderators in that catagory would you? :blush:




until you get something in the post/delivered, don't get yourself all worked up.

Take ZAP's advise, write it all down, get yourself a good lawyer (cheap 1z are cheap for a reason!) & don't give yourself a heart attack over what you aren't sure of!

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Hey mate

Im from Perth Wa on my P plates aswell, ive got caught hooning once and I was so lucky that I didnt get my license taking off me.

I was driving my mates 06 sti which hes a plater aswell and he was driving my xr6t behing me, we were both gunning in an industrial area going about 130...140k and we see and undocover cop pull out his badge and told us to stop, I completly shat myself, she took both me and my mates details and told us that she would call us in 2 weeks, I thought she wouldnt and it was the slowest two weeks of my life..what she did, she called me and my mate exacly two weeks later and told me to come to the cop station with my parents of course my parents didnt kno, but I had to tell them, so I went in and had a chat with 2 coppers that interaged me, I pleeded guilty and said I was in the wrong and I need my car for work etc, my mum kinda talked me out of it to...

All I got was $100 3 demirits, for not stoping when a cop told me to stop

So not sure what u would get mate...hopefully the same



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you wont go to jail mate, that's for sure..

best of luck with it anyway, get a lawyer and dont let them push you round.

im sure brendan posted and it got deleted but make sure they have the facts straight.

you have insurance to deal with accidents, and lawyers for crimes, SO GET ONE!

keep us posted

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you wont go to jail mate, that's for sure..

best of luck with it anyway, get a lawyer and dont let them push you round.

im sure brendan posted and it got deleted but make sure they have the facts straight.

you have insurance to deal with accidents, and lawyers for crimes, SO GET ONE!

keep us posted

Nah I didn't post anything, I'm over my incident. If your job and car are on the line you MUST get the advice and/or representation from a lawyer. The reason being is cops CAN and WILL lie in court to get you convicted. This happened to me and I've never felt so VIOLATED hence my original forum name as IH8PORK. When you get treated in such a way it takes months to get over, and sometimes you can simply post out of anger (hence the vacuum is a very good idea ZAP :stupid: ). I know guys who have walked away from some very serious offences by using the best lawyers...... this is your best weapon. Also don't lose your head in court if you are convicted :w00t2:

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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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Funny thing is you don't see them going to impound idiot who can't drive,You know the one's that can't merge into a continuing lane and stops at end of merging lane and bang you run into them because they can't merge.

Strange you are only allowed to do same speed as a Truck or bus and if you do more than 10% the speed limit it is deemed unsafe even thought your std base falcon can stop and handle far better than a truck.

Eg my XR6 T fitted with APRacing brake setup would be able to do approx 200kph and stop in same distance a prime mover could at 100 kph.

Then you have little miss old granny who's reaction time is as slow as a gmh product and can't react as fast as a younger person in a emergency situation.

Its all a big revenue raising scam.

Feel for you on this.

Did they excede any speed limits to catch you and pull you over? Uuummmm that must be unsafe to do knot to mention distracting you when damanding you to pull over, they could have caused a accident.

Looks like another buck in Johnnies pocket.

No point blaming everyone else for you doing the wrong thing. Hows you street racing got anything to do with revenue raising. Whats 80 year old Doris behind the wheel or a prime mover driving at a 100kph got to do with your actions. Dont come on here looking for sympanthy from us. Some bloke on here last year got done for a burnout and lost his car over the matter. He wrote about how stupid he was and how he wouldnt be doing it again. If you get caught out doing the wrong thing, learn from it and get on with life, but dont waste our time with desperate pleas for sympathy.

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I think you just took that post way out of context Iconic....

He was refering to the way laws are based and was using those as examples and also made no claim whatsoever about street racing....

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