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Got Caught Hooning..


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Yeah.. Tonight me and my mate thought it would be 'fun' to see who could hit the single lane zone from the lights first.. little did we know there was an undercover cop lurking in the background just waiting for us to do so.

We went, I won of course (my mate has en EF gli..lol) and next thing I know I got a Expensive Daewoo Late model camira next to me telling me to pull over, I pretty much shat myself as this is the first time anything like this has happened to me..

They got all my details, and my mates and were discussing weather on not to impound our cars on the spot or take us to court in a couple of weeks, in the end they said they would post us summonings to court..

This is my first ever offence and my record is clean (no speeding fines etc) what can I expect to get from the courts if I pleed guilty? my mate on the other hand has had 3 speeding fines, what can he expect..

Thanks guys.. (im still a little shaken, pretty much learnt my leason never to speed again :bowdown:)

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Whatever the outcome it hope you learn something from this.

At the end of the day you broke the law and will pay for it in some shape or form. Just be glad that you or your mate did not clip each other on the merge.

Good luck.

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Funny thing is you don't see them going to impound idiot who can't drive,You know the one's that can't merge into a continuing lane and stops at end of merging lane and bang you run into them because they can't merge.

Strange you are only allowed to do same speed as a Truck or bus and if you do more than 10% the speed limit it is deemed unsafe even thought your std base falcon can stop and handle far better than a truck.

Eg my XR6 T fitted with APRacing brake setup would be able to do approx 200kph and stop in same distance a prime mover could at 100 kph.

Then you have little miss old granny who's reaction time is as slow as a gmh product and can't react as fast as a younger person in a emergency situation.

Its all a big revenue raising scam.

Feel for you on this.

Did they excede any speed limits to catch you and pull you over? Uuummmm that must be unsafe to do knot to mention distracting you when damanding you to pull over, they could have caused a accident.

Looks like another buck in Johnnies pocket.

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I would speak to a traffic lawyer, the hoon laws are so open to interpretation any good lawyer will get you off.

With your drivig record and a lawyer, I bet you only get a speeding ticket and that would only be if they actually measured your speed.

Write down EVERYTHING that happened, with as much details as you can and be accurate, do not BS or embelish the truth.

If/when this goes to court your lawyer will use it to mount your defence.

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Lucky your in WA and not in VIC. Here your car would have been towed on the spot, and then the summons would arrive within 2 weeks. Hoon laws in VIC are guilty until proven otherwise. And it's hard to prove otherwise when you have Steve Bracks implementing laws that are so fukt it's not funny.

Good luck.

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why is every one quick to try and fight it... If you have clearly had a shocker tell the magistrate that. youll be suprised what can happen.. My brother was in the same situation and he ended up walking away on a probation for a year

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Robbo, it would have helped your brothers case cos of what you do for a quid! My brother in law gave a glowing reference for me and the magistrate took it on board. The fact that he is a Det Snr SGT helped a little more than Fatz giving me a reference!

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