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Xr6t Vs Aurion Sx6


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I wouldn't even compare the "closeness" if the kw's in this case, as one of the earlier posters have done, the Toy-salesman I think it was.

Let's for a moment keep our thinking caps on, and look at torque, shall we, because at the speeds mentioned it is what will move the car.

So, 550Nm agains 300-something? Even at 200kg's heavier than the Toyota, the T will smoke it - go do your power/weight calculations, unless you had 3x 150kg fat-arses in the T, vs 3x slimline 45kg blonds in the Toy.

So erm yes, I am willing to race you with my BF MKII company car (stock Falcon)? Europack and all, and I am not so sure you would beat me to the line :)

Hehe. Luv your opportunism though - just a pity about the verbal diarrhoa.

Maybe one tip? The thing between your seats....looks like a leaver with a button on the end - it is called a handbrake - make sure it is in the horizontal pozzie - eg down position...should give you that "edge" on the way above average TOy-car

[/sarcasm mode off]

Edited by MrBean
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I have driven a Aurion and it was a very nice car to drive and did go well for what it was but no way it would keep up with a T. N/A XR6 yeah, but the T is in another league.

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Ok lets just take a deap breath people I never said It beat me beyond the 60ft I did say it gave good chase in overtaking lanes and when in front of the ford overtaking it was no slouch....and that it was good bang for your buck 8-10 grand cheaper than T on road.

I cant wait to see if the TRD can delete a few smiles in August includiding my own

News Flash SX6 Got the jump on a VE SS from boomgates it took all of 6ltrs to catch up to line ball b4 braking due to trafic..

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The diff is at the wrong end of this torque/understeering bloated Camry used to be.200 kw into front wheel drive = why bother.Supercharged version will be even worse.Spend the money Toyota-put a hump in the floor and a diff in the back. :wub:

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