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What Cars Did You Aussies Not Get That You Wanted?


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We've always pined for the Skyline, Evo and STi products here in the states. Those who know, like myself, even more desired the Holdens, v8 Fords and especially the turbo XR6. Are there any machines you guys wish your market got?

Did you guys get the late model Camaros?


It wasn't a very good handling car (not bad, but might get out-handled by a top-model Integra), and the inside certainly wasn't finished like a Porsche would be; but it looked nice, was resonably quick and was cheap.

The last generation was motivated by the 5.7L v8 LS1 engine. Though it was rated at 305 hp for the Z28 and 320 hp for the SS (so as not to compete with the Corvette), most Camaros dyno'd exactly the same as their Corvette bretheren, so most consider them ~340 hp cars. For $24,000 US you could get a brand-new, 340 hp / 380 lb-ft v8 equipped car with a 6-speed Tremec T56 transmission all in a package that weighed 3400 lbs and ran low 13 second quarter miles at over 105 mph stock. Also, the aftermarket for the cars was huge, and with bolt-ons and new camshaft you could get 450 hp at the crank and flat-12 sec quarters. There were also several supercharger kits and a twin T66 turbo kit that allowed it to out-accelerate a 1200 cc Hayabusa croch-rocket on the highway. It wasn't a BMW by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a pretty good deal for a kid with the desire for acceleration. They can be had for $10k, (6-7 years old w/ 50,000 miles), I'd love to pick one up, but lack the space and need the cash to fix the Stealth (ecu melted through itself).


The 2003 and 2004 Mustang Cobras were also very awesome (though expensive, $37k new). With just $1500 worth of bolt-on mods, you could make 500 hp at the crank easy. Not too hard when you've got a supercharged V8 from the factory (just a boost pulley and exhaust and you've got another 70 hp on top of the 420 it came with stock). [it was rated at 390 stock, but nobody believes it made that little].


How about the Dodge Viper. I know its the embodiment and exemplification of American excess, but who can say no to an 8.3L V10 engine w/ 500 hp and 500 lb-ft. Here it's sold for $70k, when a new Lotus Esprit will run $85k, an NSX will cost $90k, and a 911 turbo drain your pockets of $130k. Furthermore, with 8.3L and only 500 hp, you know its no where near its limit. A tuner in Texas, John Hennessey, put 10 psi of boost into one, and it overloaded his dyno - (the dyno maxed out at 1200 lb-ft of torque, which the Viper exceeded, with 10 psi).

Edited by Telionis
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F 150 Lightning, F 150 Harley Davidson are two I'd like to see available thru Ford dealers in Oz.We got the Viper briefly.300 C SRT8 is available.

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Lightnings are awesome. I tied one from 60 to 100 mph on the highway when my Stealth was stock. Very impressive. He would have probably walked me if we started at 20 mph.

Ever get the Syclone/Typhoon there? (Not the F6 typhoon, I mean the GMC trucks). They were pickup and SUV respectivly, made from 1991-1992, totally ordinary looking. They had a turbo 4.3 engine that was basically the engine from the turbo Buick GNX (but bored out .5 L). They ran flat-14s stock, but they responded to mods so easily that there are some running 8s today. If you didn't recognize it, it looked like any other piece of crap 1990 GMC truck. They're the Lightning's arch-rival here (despite the attempts of Dodge to steal that honor with the Viper v10 powered Ram).

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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We have access to almost every USA built car, but they are low volume imports. This makes them expensive and need to be converted from LHD to RHD. This makes Vipers around the $140k+ and the F150 lightnings around $100k.

I think we are fortunate with our huge selection of cars available, as we are a small market. It would be nice to have the choice we have here, but pay the $'s that you pay in the USA for cars. We generally pay 50% or more for the same product, as an example the BMW M5 in the USA costs around $70k, in Oz it is $240k.

Personally I do not like any USA built cars except the Z06 Vette, as they do not appear well built or good in the handling department.

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The Mustangs we used to get here for a while but were terribly overpriced. From memory they were over $80K and the convertible might have been nearer to $100K :blink:

If the Mustangs could be brought into Oz and sell for about the price of a GT, I would be interested.

The new one looks awesome.

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I think it'd be great to get the 600hp viper srt10's here, even though I wouldn't buy one due to the excessive cost they'd charge here (probably more than a twin turbo 911 porsche).

And also the 7.0ltre corvette looks like a fun car (I think these run flat 11 sec quarters stock).

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Before I bought the phoon, I looked into the saleen supercharged mustang through mustang australia they were awesome cars straight off the showroom floor, $170K no negotiation, three months wait, not allowed a test drive (drove the standard V8 mustang and was disappointing at over 100K),

20K deposit. Only 5 in australia at the time. I enquired through Saleen in US and really the pricing should have been approx 120K inc. rh drive conversion and all taxes and gvt charges.

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Dont mind me I've just got chip on my shoulder because they dropped the importing of the Stangs just before the new shape arrived because they werent selling many of them..... :roflmbo:

Corvette is about the only other on my list, you can keep the IROC's....

They better be bringin the new Camaro down here!!! :spoton:

Word has it that it got a good reception at the MMS with a lot of enquiry's so we just have to sit on our hands and wait for the full release....

Edit: You could have kept the Mondeo (I think it was the Taurus over there) pug ugly eighties thing that couldnt make up it's mind as to whether it was commin or goin.

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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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Can't say I would want anything other than a vette of any vintage. Oh and may be some of your older muscle cars.

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