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Anzac Day Super Cruise


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  • Member For: 18y 2m 10d
  • Location: campbelltown,sydney

hi again all.is anyone going to the anzac day super cruise I have heard about? I heard it leaves from a few different locations and goes down to the gong.I am thinking of going.

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 7d
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is that cruise only for NSW? are there any XR cruises in melb happenin in the near future??

Edited by XRDOSE
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  • Member For: 18y 7m 20d
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  • Location: N.S.W, Sydney

The usual gathering location every year has been @ Kingsgrove Shell or thereabout's.

If you get there abit late, you could alway's go down the road and left to Roselands.

Everyone hit's the Gong/Albion Park Rail anyway, so you could just go straight down there. ;)

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  • Member For: 18y 2m 10d
  • Location: campbelltown,sydney

I just heard that it has been cancelled but everyone is still cruising anyway from what I hear,I heard that everyone is meeting at roselands shopping centre car park or a few other locations around there.not sure on what time to meet yet but will let u know when I find out,if anyone is interested in meeting in campbelltown and then heading down that way I will be happy to do that too as I live in campbelltown.

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  • Member For: 18y 7m 25d
  • Location: Rolling on my 20's

This is what I got from another website.

** ANZAC Day 25 April Supercruise destination now confirmed as Oran Park***

Supercruise is no longer to the Gong! The permit got rejected by Wollongong Police and Council.

For those that dont know The Supercruise is the annual ANZAC Day event and is the biggest car cruise of the year without a doubt! Here's what happened last yr: There was no 'official' meet pt but only a destination.

The cops have disallowed the permit for the Supercruise to be anywhere in Wollongong/ Albion Park! He has had a permit for the past 11 years, and this year they have said NO!

The problem about changing venues to Oran Park will be everyone is used to heading to the gong of the past decade on ANZAC day so its going to be hard for everyone to break tradition, and to let everyone know there will be a venue change. Its the biggest cruise of the year!

So support the cause, all proceeds go to Childrens Hospital Westmead... lets keep this event alive!

Roselands carpark at 9.30am just off King George's Rd then heading to Oran Park. There is no official meet points this year but the Kingsgrove Shell which they meet up at gets very packed very quickly.

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