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Loaning A Ghia For The Weekend


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As my XRT was due for release in March I made a visit to the local dealer to see what the 6 speed auto box was like. He didn't have a XRT in stock. So on his insistance he gave me the loan of a Ghia for the weekend. This was brand new with 90klms on the clock.

After a trip to Melbourne and around town I returned the Ghia with 699klms on the clock. My thoughts on the car compared to my XRT are as follows.

My son complained that his hair was rubbing the roof lining when he was in the back. The seats in the back are 50mm higher in the Ghia than my T.

The 6 speed box changed smoothly and of course more often than the T.

Fuel economy on the same trip was 8.3 in the Ghia and 9.2 in my T.

The brakes in the Ghia worked but were nowhere near as good as my PBR's.

Engine power was as I expected not as quick as the T.

And after my recent trip to Newcastle from Vic I'm glad I had the pickup of the T in some of the places I had to pass.

I have been considering a choice of 3 cars for next March, the Ghia, XR6 Turbo again, or a F6 Typhoon. I like the creature cumforts of the Ghia so after the newcastle trip its now between the XR6T fully optioned or the F6.

Anyone care to comment on my final 2 choices, which would be better or which would be cheaper?

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