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Interesting Speed Camera Website


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I think I just got done going across the Spit bridge. Copper sitting in an undercover shockwave XR8 with silver stripes and a camera out the front of the car.

Do you get booked if you're heading towards the camera, or away from it?

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I think I just got done going across the Spit bridge. Copper sitting in an undercover shockwave XR8 with silver stripes and a camera out the front of the car.

Do you get booked if you're heading towards the camera, or away from it?

Muz, cops in NSW are not alowed to be in unmarked cars with SPEED cameras. They must be fully marked and are usually falcon wagons.

I would say you saw a traffic camera. They are used to check for stolen cars, unlicensed drivers and wanted fellons. There would have been a copper further up Parraweena or Spit road pulling people over. The device looks like a video camera on a tripod and cables going back the the cop car.

Impressive technology and a very worthwhile persuit for cops as it gets REAL offenders off the road.

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  • Tractor Driver
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I think I just got done going across the Spit bridge. Copper sitting in an undercover shockwave XR8 with silver stripes and a camera out the front of the car.

Do you get booked if you're heading towards the camera, or away from it?

Doesn't matter, they will get you either direction. Has happened to me a few years ago.

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Muz, cops in NSW are not alowed to be in unmarked cars with SPEED cameras. They must be fully marked and are usually falcon wagons.

I would say you saw a traffic camera. They are used to check for stolen cars, unlicensed drivers and wanted fellons. There would have been a copper further up Parraweena or Spit road pulling people over. The device looks like a video camera on a tripod and cables going back the the cop car.

Impressive technology and a very worthwhile persuit for cops as it gets REAL offenders off the road.

Its called ANPR - Auotomatic number plate recognition. Its very good at detecting stolen cars, but has its limitations as the drivers of stolen cars dont tend to stop very often.

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