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Directional Tyres


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  • Member For: 21y 7m 16d
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I was led to believe that the stock 17" wheels had directional tyres on them.

Just thought I'd check my spare and to my suprise I think Ive got 5 left hand side tyres (outermost portion of the tread pattern would disperse water to the outside of the left hand tyre and to the middle of the right hand tyre ). :pinch: :banghead:

Is there supposed to be an arrow indicating direction of travel on the tyres?

I can only find "This Side Out" stamped on to the sidewall.

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  • Member For: 21y 7m 16d
  • Location: Canberra

yes certainly can.

the thing is that my spare's tyre pattern is compatible to either left or right which leads me to believe that ive got 5 lefts

ps. dunlop sport 3000

rough diagram of extreme outside edge grooves left and right viewed from above looking to front of car.



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I think should look like this ??



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  • Used to work at the Ford Proving Ground!
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The tyres on the 17" wheels on the Xr's are not directional as per the old style of just fitting one side of the car! These tyres are directional in that there are markings on the tyre that must face outward on each rim. On the side walls of the tyres is a marking that says "THIS SIDE OUT" OR "THIS SIDE IN" So if the writting on the outer side wall says "THIS SIDE OUT" them its all okay. Hope this helps!

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Just went and saw the dealer service manager and as far as he was concerned as long as the "this side out" is on the outside no problem.

Also dropped into DTS and got them to check they said that they are assymetrical directional tyres so therefore your spare can be used either side no problem.

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  • Used to work at the Ford Proving Ground!
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The spare can be used on anyside you like as you were told by the tyre guys.

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AMoffat> The tyres are assymetrical NOT directional so the spare can go either side.

However, as with all radial ply tyres the tyres which start life on the right side should always stay on the right side and similarly for the left tyres ie you rotate tyres front to back on the SAME side of the vehicle.

As the spare is rarely used it can be placed on either side and either left on that side or removed to the boot after the original tyre is repaired/replaced and put back to the original position.

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