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Stolen Today!

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HI all,

Firstly can I say how wonderful it is to be on a forum where people care so much they take an interest.

I received a call this morning on my mobile from Pete Lumo saying he'd just seen my car on the back of a tow truck and he'd written down the towies license plate and all.

Pete - you're a gentleman, thankyou for your call.

The reason he'd seen it on the back of a towtruck was because it was on it's way to be repaired somewhere after I'd inspected it yesterday at the insurance holding yard.

Not surprisingly, I had the call from the insurance company this morning saying that the finance company hadn't yet sent the release details of the finance and so the insurance company hadn't finalised their claim. So they would not be writing it off, they would be repairing it. I could see this one coming from a million miles.

I had a long discussion with the gentleman at the insurance company and stressed to him that I had waited over 14 days before purchasing another car, they had already rung me last week to say they were satisfied with everything and asked for my EFT details. I had now purchased another car and would have two leases to pay.

I was about to have a coronary when 5 minutes later.....

The insurance guy rang me back and confirmed that seeing as I hadn't been the one holding up the process, they would write the car off. I guess it was "luckyyyyyyyyyy you're with AAMI" after all, a human factor in an insurance company. Big hooray to AAMI for treating their customers like human beings and doing the right thing, instead of trying to weasel out of it using some loophole.

So AAMI car insurance are on my "recommend list" to any forum member. p.s. I had all my modifications listed, even "computer modification" I.e. edit.

They will be rewarded for this with the insurance on the Benz which will be worth a lot more than the T.

Wonder what the salvage value will be - it would make an awesome drag car....!!

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Would be good to find out which wrecker it goes too, there are some good parts on it I would like....APS cooler for one....

I'll try and give you a call over the weekend mate.


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It won't be going to a wrecker, it will get wholesaled. There's nothing wrong with it, just needs a window and a wash/polish and some paint touch up. It's got a $4,000 fully beefed auto and hi stall in it too, polished APS cooler, and reversed standard plenum so the intake tract is fully sorted.

It got written off because it had been gone for longer than 14 days and I bought another car.

I'll see whether or not the insurance company gives me an idea where it's going.

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hey dude its my pleasure help anyway I can

yea it would make awesome drag car goodluck with it and congrats with the new car all the best

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Calling the Police cops is not going to help endear you to them is it. :fool: Whilst I understand your frustration , it is not the Police's fault. Speak to your local MP about Government funding. Every call is an emergency for the victim as it should be , thin resources cannot be spread any thinner can they ??

I hate how everybody bags the Cops , and not the underlying reason for the lack of prompt action. There jobs are certainly a thankless one. You never hear of praise or gratitude when things go peoples way. Just the whingers :roflmbo:

As for taking the law into your own hands , does not make you any better than those thieving scum that chose to also deliberately break the law does it.??

My point is you can't expect 1000 men to do the job of 5000 . nothing more. Speak to your MP.

Do you work for private enterprise if so , I see your point. If not, your dept gets a better cut of the taxation pie. BTW I am not a cop, not that it matters, my job is thanklesss as well. Don't meet budget, no job.simple. The difference is all my colleagues are in the same boat.

You cannot get blood from a stone FFS, yet that is what is expected from the NSW Police Service.Personally I would prefer a re-badging to Police FORCE as it was in QLD in the Bjelke-Peterson era.Better ratios of Cops to scum, smaller tax base.

No street crime and the cops had respect or else. The baddies would sh*t now. So did the good guys. It is all about respect and the softcock reality of todays overboard Political correctness, which in turn disables the few Coppers on the ground to do there jobs effectively.

Personal experience. I had the FORCE in Qld come down on me like a ton of bricks, I was just waiting innocously for a cab. To cut a long story short , I got the fark punched out of me by 4 unsupervised constables. Yes, hospital. Needless to say I was never charged with anything. Nor should I have been.Wrong place wrong time.

Yet I hear this whining from all these whingers, about cops. It is the farking Government you fools FFS. Grow up :nerd8:

Fact remains the streets were a better and safer place than having to hear the moaning of the do-good , Nancy boy brigade that rides roughshod over law and order in NSW at present. You want to change it speak to your member, or in the case of some keep playing with it.

Well said buffy

As for the chases with your old car... The car had been seen in the sutho area bout a week ago and some ppl I know tried to turn on it and catch up to it but it was long gone at that stage.

Enjoy the merc

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On a side note, interesting I had the Police fingerprinter round about an hour and a half after I phoned it in. But no Police over yet to go through the scene of the crime - perhaps they're too busy handing out double demerits on the long weekend to investigate actual crimes. I bet if it was me driving around in my car today they would have pulled me up by now for something or other.

Armed robberies, stabbings, shooting at security gurads in Arncliffe, crashes involving people who are trapped in cars, will always take priority over a car that has been stolen. The protection of life will always come before the protection of property, which you and I and everyone else on this forum would expect.


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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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Absolutely Iconic. You're correct - I was just having a bit of a whinge coz I felt a bit upset.

All is good now and I love the police. They have their job to do.

I completely understand. I hope you are enjoying your new wheels, and cant wait to see it out and about the St george area some day.

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