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Web Wombat Xr6t V Ve Ssv Comparison Victory!


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  • Iconoclast
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Yeh, furkin g got us there dude..

nOW GO OUTSIDE and give yourselkf an uppercut idiot......!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I see the ice probblem is wider than I thought..........

and I am trying to type on a laptop with fat fingers

Edited by Blonk
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Any chance of gettin your doc's details.....I gotta get me some of whatever the fck it is he's got you on....

Oh hold on....


:sleepystuff: just as I thought.....

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  • 69 - PSI
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My mate just bought a Brand new manual Bogan special and I had the pleasure of takin it for a good drive last night. Jumping straight out of my 255rwkw T it felt like a slug but the low down torque, especially right from idle is just unreal. Powercomes on strong but it really fely sluggish above about 2500rpm. Apart from the performance its a bloody nice car to drive, a real drivers car I reckon. Oh and did I mention roomy!!! Felt awhole car size bigger than my T.



Edited by 86gav
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The article contains 2 errors relating to XR6T specifications. I've filled in the website's feedback form:

8 April 2007

Email feedback to webwombat.com.au

I read your article on the Ford XR6Turbo versus the Commocore Bogan special that came out recently (5 April 07):


I just wanted to point out two errors:

1) The Ford XR6Turbo has Dynamic Stability Control as standard (which is equivalent to ESP). Lack of ESP should not be listed as a Con for the Ford in the comparison table.

2) In the article you say that the Ford brakes are the "Performance upgrade brakes". In fact Performance brakes are are the standard brakes for the Turbo and XR8.

You might want to publish these corrections which may make the Ford an even clearer winner.

All the best,


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Umm, has anyone here actually driven the new VE SS V series?

Amazing is all I have to say.

The XR has the better fuel economy, but hands down the SS is quicker, much better around corners, better interior and more fun to drive.

Everywhere else that there was comparison's the VE was better than the XR6t. Such as PCOTY.

Well that's my bit of controversy for today.

don't get me wrong love the XR good value for money, and will keep her for a long time.


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  • Me
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Umm, no but I drive a Tow Truck and the VE's sure are keep'n us busy. And I am sure getting sick of seeing the VE Late model camira being advertised as Wheels COTY. The VE Late model camira did not even qualify for COTY, but if you read Wheels and the other Channel 9 stuff it did?

Its great to see an independent review for a change.

Edited by Dagabond
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  • Cruise Whore
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In my opinion, the WebWombat roadtest was just that - 2 drivers' opinions of what it was like to drive both cars on the road. So, I do value it from that point of view. However, I did feel that the article was not glued that well together - there was a bit of repetition throughout and some grammatical errors. However, what struck me the most was the way they described driving the SS V as a driving experience with white knuckles sometimes - not very favourable that.

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