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I Can Make You Famous

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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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I am designing a new splash page to replace the outdate one and I need your car.

I am looking for,

BA and BF, Ute or Sedan

Typhoon or Tornado

Modified and stock

Colour, Looking for the lighter colours as they will stand out against a dark backgroud.

Pics need to be,


These are some great photos, but they need to be bigger in file size I am going to set a 500k minimum as the final product has to be printable.

Please check your file size before posting

Hi-res, straight out of the camera is best.

Unretouched,, feel free to block out the number plate, but I will be doing this anyway.

Well exposed not to dark and not to light

The car must take up most of the pic and please no part the of car pics.

Multiple views if you have them, Back, front, side and 3/4,

Background does not matter you can even have it on the grass, but nothing must block the view of the car.

Now for the legal bit,

By posting your pic in this thread, you give permission for me to use the image for the splash page and to modify it as I see fit.

You also give your consent for the www.fordxr6turbo.com web site to use the splash page and your car as part of the splash page for any advertising or promotional use they require.

Looking to immortalize your car forever and a bit of bragging rights for your self, well at lest until Orion turns up.

Interested please post your pics here. :crybaby:


From this ,too some thing like this


Edited by Dagabond
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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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I have 100's of pics from cruises, my car and other members cars.

If you are more specific about what you want I should have a big selection for you.

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  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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  • Location: The 8th Dimension

LS, while not out of the question it makes it hard to stand out on a dark blue background.

Nathoon, Almost perfect but I forgot to say watch you shadows, fully in or fully out, please not half in and out.

Zap I need the permission of all owners of the cars to be used, that way every ones happy

Edited by seventytwo
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LS, while not out of the question it makes it hard to stand out on a dark blue background.

Nathoon, Almost perfect but I forgot to say watch you shadows, fully in or fully out, please not half in and out.

Zap I need the permission of all owners of the cars to be used, that way every ones happy

I may have to clean her up on the weekend and take some here is another nagle


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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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  • Member For: 21y 18d
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  • Location: Sydney

here are a few.

As for permission, it is the photographer who needs to grant permission, so long as you block the plates out.

All the pics I have were taken by me.





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