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Car Bra's


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There is another solution to the car bra.

Link to 3M paint protection film

Each set of films is custom made for the car. Typically applied by a mobile van based service, it is available locally. Material is said to be essentially invisible though I have not seen a set applied, to the best of my knowledge.

It's expensive but not as expensive a some of the prices quoted for the car bras.

Stone chip protection, material stability and aesthetic performance is said to be up to the ususal 3M standard, I.e. excellent.



Edited by aiboart
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I use the robco one on the F6 for long trips on the highway only. It is great. No need to worry about removing all those bug splats from the front of the car and hard to get places like the intercooler.

takes 10mins to put on, and its just as quick to remove and clean. For highway use its great against stone chips as well.

Edited by freaky
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  • loitering with intent
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There is another solution to the car bra.

Link to 3M paint protection film

Each set of films is custom made for the car. Typically applied by a mobile van based service, it is available locally. Material is said to be essentially invisible though I have not seen a set applied, to the best of my knowledge.

It's expensive but not as expensive a some of the prices quoted for the car bras.

Stone chip protection, material stability and aesthetic performance is said to be up to the ususal 3M standard, I.e. excellent.



Only drama I have heard with these is that they create a noticable lip over time. Due to washing etc and fragments of dirt getting under the edge. Any one validate or dispute?? What is to stop the bugs etc sticking to the film and why would this be easier to remove from the film than paint ??As for stone chips sounds like a wiiner

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  • Member For: 18y 7m 6d
  • Location: Canberra
Only drama I have heard with these is that they create a noticable lip over time. Due to washing etc and fragments of dirt getting under the edge. Any one validate or dispute?? What is to stop the bugs etc sticking to the film and why would this be easier to remove from the film than paint ??As for stone chips sounds like a wiiner

I have also heard - not seen first hand - that some of the stickons can yellow over time and are difficult to remove if they do yellow.


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