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Problems With Insurance


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Dingah is right, insurance companies will let you take out cover in you parents/ someone elses name and lie about not being the main driver. I have seen it happen.

It's no skin off thier nose, if you read the fine print on your policy in particular the disclosure section, you will see that if they investigate and find that you lied about being the main driver then they don't have to pay up, so they will take your premium from you year after year, but don't expect them to pay out when you need them.

The investigator does a quick little bit of digging, finds out that you own the car, you are the only driver to get any traffic infringments in the car, check credit card statements to check who has been buying fuel for the car.

Says gee your a nice guy buying a car for your inlaws and paying for all of the fuel and the servicing of it for them. Next thing you know you are looking down the wrong end of a man with a curly wig.

Don't think it doesn't happen guys I do some work for some of the insurance companies and they have investigators that do nothing but check these types of claims out all day.

Edited by xrdreaming
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Dingah is right, insurance companies will let you take out cover in you parents/ someone elses name and lie about not being the main driver. I have seen it happen.

It's no skin off thier nose, if you read the fine print on your policy in particular the disclosure section, you will see that if they investigate and find that you lied about being the main driver then they don't have to pay up, so they will take your premium from you year after year, but don't expect them to pay out when you need them.

The investigator does a quick little bit of digging, finds out that you own the car, you are the only driver to get any traffic infringments in the car, check credit card statements to check who has been buying fuel for the car.

Says gee your a nice guy buying a car for your inlaws and paying for all of the fuel and the servicing of it for them. Next thing you know you are looking down the wrong end of a man with a curly wig.

Don't think it doesn't happen guys I do some work for some of the insurance companies and they have investigators that do nothing but check these types of claims out all day.

Also don't forget the fact that if your not insured as the main driver you gain no NCB, making insurance expensive for you in the future when they will cover you

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2k is a big hit to anyones pocket mate, but I would just take the hit. my insurance dropped from 1500 to 1k with the 1st renewal. sure the excess is high with JCI but im a fan of that. only really want insurance for when the car is written off or I crash into another car. I have hit a roo and a kerb and am happy to pay for repairs myself.

it is a pity that JCI dont let you pay monthly.. I would take hiddeous's advice and call the broker. they will be able to get you the best deal, and often they dont cost anything.

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  • Tractor Driver
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Bugger me! I can't get insurance (with a clean record) for less than $1100 and I've got quotes from just about every insurer!

I must be too truthful or something ......

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I think there's plenty of factors insurers take into account when agreeing to insure someone, age, driving experience and location being some of the more obvious ones. I don't think we're really comparing apples with apples when seeing what prices others have been quoted, especially if they're from competing organisations. My understanding is that some insurers are far more likely to pay out than others - the larger companies tend to be (but aren't always) better in this regard. Someone getting a super cheap quote from some fly-by-night company may find their initial saving comes back to bite 'em on the behind in a big way if they need to make a claim. :sleep:

Whilst I don't consider my premium to be a bargain, I'm comfortable with the reputation of the company I'm insured with, the agreed value of the car (which, incidentally, is a good $5K more than NRMA were offereing me! :spoton:), plus the fact that they have agreed to insure my car with ALL the mods I have done (lowered, edit, injectors, etc, etc). For the record, I'm 36, am with AAMI and am paying $780.

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