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Problems With Insurance


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  • Crusty aviator
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The costs of the insurance reflects the risk that you pose to the rest of the community as an 18 year old P plater - it is a disincentive to misbehave in a vehicle which is hardly the territory of someone of your emotional intelligence. Sorry if this sounds unsympathetic but it is - why on Earth would you commit to purchase a vehicle clearly unsuited to your age and experience demographic without first considering how you'd insure the vehicel adequately. This could all point to the lack of maturity that the insurance company's worry about.


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I'm also 18 and am considering a XR6T. Cheapest I've found so far is $1500/year with NRMA and then $1990 with RACQ. Also considering a S15 200SX and a 99 WRX, with the wrx up around the 3k mark!

I also got a quote with the xrt6 in my Mums name and me as a nominated driver, for only $513/year! that's with AAMI.

Goodluck with it and tell me how you get along!


Edited by tabletennisman
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Where abouts you live bud, I'm in WA and I've been under everyone else's insurance since I've been on the road. atm I've got my T under my girlfriends parents insurance even and I own the car. I'm just a "named driver" her old boy is the main driver so it's all legit. cheap as. (Western QBE) but I've used RAC too and they do the same. Maybe your ol boy don't want the stress of you raising his NCB if you crash or claim?

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  • Member For: 19y 8m 12d
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and as for every one saying if you cant affored insurance dont by the car, that's a load of crap,

if a person can't afford insurance (and I'm not being specific to anyone here), what's the logic behind owning the car? if 2k is too much of a strain on some ones bank account, then how the f*ck can they pay off a T, run it, feed themselves etc etc.. Fair enough a lot of young blokes still live at home which makes it a lot easier, but still, if 2k per year is a big stretch of the budget, then I'd strongly disagree with anyone buying a performance car. Surely it's living outside of what they can afford. Or is my logic just whacked :tease:

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  • Crusty aviator
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Where abouts you live bud, I'm in WA and I've been under everyone else's insurance since I've been on the road. atm I've got my T under my girlfriends parents insurance even and I own the car. I'm just a "named driver" her old boy is the main driver so it's all legit. cheap as. (Western QBE) but I've used RAC too and they do the same. Maybe your ol boy don't want the stress of you raising his NCB if you crash or claim?

The risk taken on by the insurer and therfore the premium paid is based upon the highest risk driver who regularly drives the vehicle. So your parent's premium should rise significantlyIf you are the regular driver together with the imposition of a fairly significant excess should you be at the wheel. THe notion of you being a registered owner of a vehicle and therefore having the third party property aspect of your insurance in your name and the remaining insurance risk in another appears at odds with logic. I wold strongly encourage you to put the whole thing in writing to your insurers and get written confirmation. The courts' records are littered with those who assumed cover until the event and then found that there was none and in the event of a public liability claim causing injury or at worse death to another the costs against you would be too large to countenance. Check, check and re-check - I have taken three children (now adults) through the driving insurance thing and have always come back to the registered owner, regular driver and insured being the same. Sadly too many of your generation appear to be all about knowing and demanding their rights without any apparent concern for the accepting the responsibilities of life that go with them.


Edited by dingah2
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if a person can't afford insurance (and I'm not being specific to anyone here), what's the logic behind owning the car? if 2k is too much of a strain on some ones bank account, then how the f*ck can they pay off a T, run it, feed themselves etc etc.. Fair enough a lot of young blokes still live at home which makes it a lot easier, but still, if 2k per year is a big stretch of the budget, then I'd strongly disagree with anyone buying a performance car. Surely it's living outside of what they can afford. Or is my logic just whacked :w00t2:

yeah true I guess he should of thought about that before buying the car, my bad :blink:

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I found western QBE to be the cheapest by far, I'm 37 and have another car insured with them and it costs me $680 / year.

that's with a rating 1, for a BFII phoon.

Edited by jasper361
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Shannons was the best I found at the time.... I was 22 when I first insured with them... It costs me $1500 a year full comp... but u being 18 though im guessing it would still be in the $2000's so your quote sounds about right if not good...

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The risk taken on by the insurer and therfore the premium paid is based upon the highest risk driver who regularly drives the vehicle. So your parent's premium should rise significantlyIf you are the regular driver together with the imposition of a fairly significant excess should you be at the wheel. THe notion of you being a registered owner of a vehicle and therefore having the third party property aspect of your insurance in your name and the remaining insurance risk in another appears at odds with logic. I wold strongly encourage you to put the whole thing in writing to your insurers and get written confirmation. The courts' records are littered with those who assumed cover until the event and then found that there was none and in the event of a public liability claim causing injury or at worse death to another the costs against you would be too large to countenance. Check, check and re-check - I have taken three children (now adults) through the driving insurance thing and have always come back to the registered owner, regular driver and insured being the same. Sadly too many of your generation appear to be all about knowing and demanding their rights without any apparent concern for the accepting the responsibilities of life that go with them.


At last, a sensible answer to a very important question!

Fact: Insurance premiums are related directly to risk. High performance high premium.

Lousy driving record lousy premium. Low age high premium.

Location of risk and if car is under finance also very important.

Follow the good advice given and don't try to hide behind someone else's name on a policy only to find out AFTER a claim that you aren't covered.

Don't place a lot of faith in a report that this blokes aunts cousins sister on your mothers side's next door neighbour's best mate can insure his 'T' for $398 after 3 DUI's and a manner dangerous. Ring a recommended broker and take good advice.

Good luck.

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